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Japanese PSN

  • 09-02-2011 12:13am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭

    Ok after playing recent updated games like Tetris and Pacman on the PS3 nostalgia was going through my veins. I then stumbled across a thread here and Retr0 mentioned Puzzle Bobble was available on the Japanese PSN Store.
    Great, its a must !!

    So i already had a Japanese account made, for those of you who dont :

    Loads of other screenies if this doesnt work for you below....

    So change user and log into the JPN PSN Store, everything is in Japanese (Obviously).
    How to find Puzzle Bobble???

    A reliable Japanese speaking source (Gothpunk) gave me a few tips here :
    "Do a search for 'Puzzle Bobble' "
    "Log into the JPN PSN on a PC and do a search from there with a translated 'Puzzle Bobble'"

    Education time from Wikipedia:
    The Japanese language is written with a combination of three scripts: Chinese characters called kanji (漢字), and two syllabic scripts made up of modified Chinese characters, hiragana (ひらがな or 平仮名) and katakana (カタカナ or 片仮名). The Latin alphabet, rōmaji (ローマ字), is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for company names and logos, advertising, and when entering Japanese text into a computer. Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers, but traditional Sino-Japanese numerals are also commonplace

    Ok so tried the search on the PS3 on the JPN Store.
    Again lots of Japanese symbols. By chance pressed the SELECT button and more characters appear, SELECT once more brought up English, Hoorah !
    Type in "Puzzle" and search. Luckily its in English.

    Next hurdle, price. 600 ¥ Yen.
    Easy, lost of websites offering digital delivery of JPN PSN Store cards.
    I hear lots of good stuff about Play Asia.
    Link to these so called cards which i paid for with Paypal.

    To redeem your card number :

    To redeem your new PSN game card code click on the second icon in the group and then enter the number that was sent to you.


    Once you do that you will get a confirmation by the Japanese or European PSN store.
    There is only one catch and that is that if you get a Japanese game it will all be in Japanese, but if you don’t mind that you can still enjoy it.

    For those who needed screenies instead of the youtube video :

    First thing we have to do is create a new user on the XMB. This can be done by going all the way to the left and selecting the Create New User icon.

    Choose a name for this local account, mine is “Japan”. After you have done this sign in to the new account and go all the way to the right until you reach the PlayStation Network tab of the XMB.


    You should be looking at a screen like this. Select the Sign Up for the Playstation Network option.


    We now reach this screen, pretty straight forward at this point since it is all in English. Select Create a New Account (New Users).


    Again simple stuff here, just select Continue.



    From the Country / Region of Residence drop-down select Japan.


    From this point forward all of the options will be in Japanese. Enter your birthday (use your real one… if you forget your password you will need to have this information) and then select 次へ to continue to the Terms of Service.


    Time to sell your soul to the Japanese, select 同意する to agree to the Terms of Service.


    The first input box is asking for an email address. I would recommend using a real one just incase you forget your password.

    Under that is the input box for your password. The yellow text says must contain atleast 6 characters using numbers and letters. Re-enter your password again in the 3rd input box.

    Check the box if you wish for your password to be saved.

    The drop-down box is for a Security Question. Pick one.

    In the box below make your answer something you will remember.

    Select 次へ to continue.


    Now you are choosing your PSN ID. Make it anything you want.

    After you enter a name you will see one of 2 screens.


    If you get this screen, your user name is available. Select OK.


    If you get this screen, the user name you entered is already used by another user. Hit O to return to the previous screen and choose a different name.

    After your PSN ID is chosen select 次へ to continue.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭eddhorse


    Last name, first name, and gender is entered here. Pick anything you want.

    Select 次へ to continue.


    Time to enter a fake address. Enter numbers in the first input box.

    For the drop-down box choose anything you want.

    For the next 4 boxes you can input anything you want, Sony doesn’t check the address.

    Select 次へ to continue.


    Check this box if you wish to receive emails from Sony.

    Select 次へ to continue.


    You are at the home stretch, all you have to do now is confirm the info you entered.

    Select 確定 to confirm.


    Congratulations you have a Japanese PSN account. Press X to go to the Store.

    The new storefront tabs since PS+.


    Here are the PS3 and PSP content pages translated:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭NUTZZ

    Fair play to you for making such a detailed guide!:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,789 ✭✭✭eddhorse

    Not my pictures, just got them on the internet, i wouldn't have that much patience....:D
