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Problem Synching Apps to itouch

  • 07-02-2011 12:13pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 227 ✭✭

    Hi All,

    I downloaded a number of Apps to my itunes over the weekend but for some reason they won't sync to my Itouch.

    When I try to synch itunes runs through the synching process at the top of the screen and then tells me synching has been complete but when I check the itouch none of my apps have been applied.

    Anyone any ideas what I need to do or maybe point me in the directions of a decent troubleshooting turorial???

    I have had no problems synching music.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,701 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    1. Connect the iTouch to the PC/MAC and start iTunes.

    2. Click once on the iTouch in the left column, it should appear under 'Devices' below the 'Library' and 'Store' headers.

    3. Now click on the 'Apps' header at the top of the main part of the screen between 'Summary' and 'Music', just under the Apple logo.

    You can now see the apps that will be synced to the iTouch, they are listed in the column under 'Sync Apps' and the placement is shown on the right i.e. which screens they will appear on. Check that the recently downloaded apps are listed and are selected for download.

    It's possible that the apps require something that your iTouch doesn't have like maybe HD or iOS 4.x. Come back here if you make no progress.

    By default any new app that you download from the iTunes store will get downloaded to the device next time you sync but it's no harm to check the list of apps shown when you connect the device to iTunes.
