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Give up Smoking through Hypnotherapy, for FREE

  • 03-02-2011 4:41pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8

    Hello folks!

    I am looking for a few people in the Dublin area that I can help to give up smoking, completely free of charge!

    -Through Hypnotherapy and similar holistic methods.

    -Because I recently moved to Ireland and I need Irish references, especially in regards to giving up smoking.

    Normally a session to quit smoking through hypnotherapy would cost between 200-300 Euro and take between 90-120 minutes, follow-up sessions are rarely needed.

    These are the criteria I would like to ask of you in order to help you give up smoking for free:
    -That you have been smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day for at least 3 years.
    -That you, yourself, want to give up smoking.
    -That you, besides having had the one-to-one session with me, also listen to a hypnotherapy CD provided to you after the session, once a day for at least 2 weeks.
    -That once you have successfully given up smoking as result of the treatment, provide a written testimonial of your experience, in the end which you also state your first and last name, and general area of residence.

    If interested, answer this post, or write an e-mail to me privately:
    joachim.eriksson[at]gmail[dot]com (change the bracket text to the appropriate signs for an e-mail address)

    If possible, answer before the 14th of February 2011, please.

    Kind regards,
    Joachim Eriksson,
    MICHP, NLP & FasterEFT Practitioner

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