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New business - any advice please?

  • 29-01-2011 10:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Just trying to set up a new photography business from home. I have a studio out in the garden with all the equipment I need (studio lights/camera/lenses and backdrops). I've also invested in some PC gear including software. All of these were purchases 2009/2010. A few quick questions;

    1. Do I need to register my business straight away for VAT/PRSI? At the moment I am making no income just doing shoots for friends and families for experience really. I hope to start charging from here on in.

    2. What's the procedure for registering and setting up. Any links to forms I need?

    3. Are any of the equipment listed tax deductable - even though they were bought last year and before?

    4. After my redundancy a few years ago I started signing for credits - no welfare payments. I'd like to keep this going but I guess you have to declare a new business and sign off. Can I do anything to protect my pension? How much does it cost and what's the form I need?

    5. I want to set up a website for the company. Do I need to register the company to get an .ie website address?

    6. Finally really want to find out what if I go to the trouble of setting up and losing SW credits and then generate no income in year 1, can I offset expenses against zero/low income. Not being pessimistic here - just the market is competitive and disposable income for photography is limited.

    ANy advice whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 698 ✭✭✭okiss

    If you look up on the home page it asks what information you are looking for click unemployed and it will give you information on the back to work enterprise allowance and there is also another allowance mentioned here.
    I know some one who set up a business a few years ago and they found the county enterprise board in there own county very helpful. They run courses in starting your own business and run other business related courses.
    They would be in a position to advise you further re claiming back for the business items you have paid for to date.
    Good luck with this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,798 ✭✭✭Mr. Incognito

    Read the forum rules.

    Thread closed.

    Speak to a professional.

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