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Smackdown 28/01/11 *Spoilers*

  • 25-01-2011 4:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 85,887 ✭✭✭✭

    It was announced on Raw tonight that this week's edition of WWE Smackdown will be headlined by The Miz and Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton and Edge in a tag team match.

    Rated RKO back together :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    The show opened with a video package from last week that hyped The Corre...

    Vickie Guerrero entered the ring to immense amounts of heat..."I hear voices in my head" played and Randy Orton came to the ring to a huge pop and "RKO" chants. Randy said he was appreciative to be on Smacksown. He asked Vickie to "excuse me" for what he was planning to do to her boyfriend tonight and when he takes the WWE Championship from The Miz at the Royal Rumble.

    Dolph Ziggler came out and demanded respect for him and Vickie. Randy said he has to earn respect and followed that comment with an RKO.

    1. LayCool defeated Kaitlyn and Kelly Kelly. The Ks attacked during Laycool entrance, but a McKick to Katlain about one minute in led to the 1-2-3.

    2. Drew McIntyre defeated JTG. Kelly Kelly was on commentary for the match. McIntyre got a decent pop. JTG opened strong by taking McIntyre to ringside, but Drew got on the offensive quickly. The crowd was behind both wrestlers. McIntyre reversed a backslide and hit the Future Shock for the win. He left the ring with Kelly Kelly standing in the ring watching him.

    There was a video package of Rhodes vs. Mysterio. Todd Grisham interviewed Cody backstage. Cody wouldn't show his face since Rey broke his nose (funniest thing on wrestling right now). Doctors say Cody can't compete because of it. Cody did the whole interview with his back turned. He doesn't think he's Dashing anymore.

    There was an interview Edge, who spoke about The Corre and the tag match to reunite Rated RKO.

    Alberto Del Rio was shown introducing himself to Michael Tarver. Del Rio's match is next. Ricardo Rodriguez handled the introduction. Del Rio reminds us that his destiny is to win the Royal Rumble, and then set up his battle royal exhibition...

    3. Kofi Kingston won a battle royal exhibition. A new wrestler entered every 30 seconds. Del Rio eliminated two jobronis in less than a minute. The next jobroni was actually Kane. Kofi came out and took Del Rio and Kane over the top rope for a big pop. Kane and Del Rio reentered the ring, and then Rey Mysterio came out for a big pop. Vickie came out and booked a tag match.

    4. Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston defeated Kane and Alberto Del Rio. Kofi and Kane to start. Kane took control and tagged in Del Rio. Kofi tagged in Rey for a pop from the crowd. 619 chants from the crowd. Action goes outside the ring. Kofi hits a suicide dive on Alberto, followed by a West Coast Pop from Rey on Kane.

    Back to normal action after the hot spots. Kane and Del Rio worked over Kofi, who made the hot tag. Rey went on the offensive. There was a big boot to Rey from
    Kane to slow things down a bit. Kane and Del Rio worked over Rey. There was a counter maneuver on Kane, and Kofi took a hot tag.

    There was dissension between Alberto and Kane, who hit Del Rio and then left. The faces double teamed Alberto. Rey hit 619 into Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. Kofi pinned Del Rio to win the match for his team. A main event type match. Awesome.

    A Raw video package aired, and then the Smackdown main event was hyped.

    Big Show came out and cut a promo about The Corre. He reminded us that he's never won a Royal Rumble. The Corre came out and surrounded the ring. Big Show challenged them individually. Slater attacked from behind, which led to a match.

    5. Big Show defeated Heath Slater. The bell rang and a match started. Normal Big Show spots, including the chokeslam for the win. After the match, Corre attacked Big Show. R-Truth, Masters, Santino, Koslov, and Daniel Bryan came out to make the save. They cleared the ring and Big Show's music hit. The faces headed to the back.

    Miz and Alex Riley made their entrance and cut a promo on Randy regarding their Royal Rumble match. Ziggler came out, and then Orton and Edge made separate entrances to big pops.

    6. Edge and Randy Orton defeated Dolph Ziggler and The Miz (w/Alex Riley). Randy ended up outside the ring and chased Miz back in the ring only to be met
    by some Ziggler offense. After a few tags, we got the usual Orton spots. The Viper coiled, but was pulled away by Ziggler. Back to normal action with the Miz in control.

    The crowd tried to get Randy back into the match with no luck. Miz went for his jumping corner spot, but was reversed by Orton. Randy made the hot tag to Edge, who performed offense on Ziggler, and set up for the spear. Riley entered the ring, but Orton took him out. Edge speared Ziggler and got the win for his team.

    After the match, Vickie banned The Spear at the Royal Rumble. If Edge uses it, he will be DQ'd and lose the Title. After the comments from The Cougar, Edge speared Ziggler
    from the apron to the floor. He followed it up with not one, but two spears. Vickie barely dodged out of the way of the second spear. Edge's music played to send us all home happy.

    There was no dark match after the television main event. The arena was pretty close to full (minus tarped off areas).

    David's Biggest Pops:
    Randy Orton
    Rey Mysterio
    Kofi Kingston
    Big Show

    David's Most Heat:
    Vicky Guierro
    The MiZ
    Dolph Ziggler
    The Corre
    Ted DiBiase

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭Ridley

    Liked the Smackdown locker room consisting of Raw guys and Masters making the save for Big Show.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    Mixed Bag,enjoyed the Del Rio segment & tag match.But the Rko to Ziggler & his loss in the Tag Match was odd.The built up the Rumble was good even if we have seen the Roster rush the ring thing every year since I Started watching Wrestling well over a decade ago.Still Sunday is all about the Rumble Match the 2 title matches I couldn't care less about.
