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Ski school for kids during mid-term

  • 12-01-2011 11:30am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭

    Here's a hint for anyone heading out during mid-term this year, based on a few years of personal experience . . . avoid the established ski schools in the resorts and aim for some of the newer ones instead if you want to avoid your kids being stuck in a huge class with a part time instructor (grannie).

    We found that because it's mid term and the resorts and full of Irish, British & Dutch families the classes end up being huge. The established ski schools have a habit of not turning anyone away and will just keep taking on new students all the time. If they get stretched they will rustle up some local grannies or students to instruct (babysit, really) the younger classes. While they are no doubt good skiers and probably competent instructors we've found that the class size in these weeks really puts paid to any real instruction.

    Last year we went with a set of Dutch instructors in Westendorf (wearing orange for a change from the usual red or blue) who were all under 30 and who guaranteed that classes would be no bigger than 8. This was a godsend for us as previously our kids had been lumped in with classes of 15-20 which were really just one big long snake heading up and down the mountain. You can imagine how much time is wasted loading 15 or more kids onto a 2 person chairlift. It becomes really tedious for the kids.

    I'm not against established ski schools at all, but just pointing out what we've found based on previous years experience. If your ski school will guarantee a maximum class size then you may well be sorted.


    edit -> this really only applies to mid-term and possibly New Year when the schools & resorts are packed. In other weeks it shouldn't be nearly as much of an issue.
