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Switching from @googlemail to @gmail

  • 05-01-2011 11:06pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40

    I'm not sure how or why but my gmail account is an @googlemail account. Both addresses (@googlemail and @gmail) work and I have my reply to address set to @gmail. However, the official 'from' address remains @googlemail. it seems crazy that I cant just change it. If anyone knows how I can change it (or why I cannot) please let me know.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,856 ✭✭✭GerardKeating

    Gruver wrote: »
    I'm not sure how or why but my gmail account is an @googlemail account. Both addresses (@googlemail and @gmail) work and I have my reply to address set to @gmail. However, the official 'from' address remains @googlemail. it seems crazy that I cant just change it. If anyone knows how I can change it (or why I cannot) please let me know.

    What country did you specify as your home (Ireland, UK).

    They lost a trademark court case in the UK over using gmail, and were forced to switch all UK users to "".

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40 Gruver

    I can't remember but if I had been presented with an option I would have chosen Ireland. Is there somewhere in the Settings menu where I can select my location?

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 28,551 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cabaal

    if you have a googlemail account odds are you actually registered your account on a UK IP address.

    As GerardKeating said google lost a case before in the UK & Germany and had to change the name but in the past year or so this case has now been settled and adderess can now be registered once again in the UK.

    Anyway to change your from address to do this :)

    Try this first:
    - Login to
    - Click settings
    - In the general tab select English (US) click save

    - Also goto
    - Make sure Ireland is selected and save
    - Log out and back into gmail and retest

    and if it doesn't work follow the steps below

    - Logins to
    - Click Settings
    - Click Accounts & Imports
    - In the "Send E-Mail As" section click "Send e-mail from another address"
    - Enter your name and in the box and click Next
    - Select "Send through Gmail (easier to set up)", click Next
    - Click "Send Verfication"
    - Check your e-mail and copy the code
    - Go back to the verification box and enter the code and verify
    - Go back to Accounts and Import in settings, click make default beside your address
    - Now select "Always reply from default address" under "When receiving a message:"

    That should fix it for def :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40 Gruver

    Many thanks.

    I managed to change it succesfully.

    I did as you suggested:
    - Logged in to
    - Clicked Settings
    - Clicked Accounts & Imports

    There I saw an option to switch from to

    I'm not sure why I didn't see the option before as I did look for it.

    I clicked on the link and I am now!

    Thanks for help.
