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  • 02-01-2011 10:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,204 ✭✭✭

    Hi all i'm off the fags since Monday 27th got a cold and was to sick to smoke and just decided to stay off them..
    Everything going ok but i'm like a bear with a sore head going round. Whilst smoking i never lost my temper. Now i'm loosing it over nothing. I really need help to overcome this as id rather smoke and be nice than not smoke and be a w**nker to those around me. I'm not a lover of artificial fags. Anyone suffer this before and anyone any tips how to overcome this?

    Thanks all


  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Dalan

    This will be a trick the mind is playing in order to have you return to the addiction. "Oh look what a rat you are now - just have a cigarette and you'll be a star once more" - maybe so, but a star with a smoker's cough and all the other deteriorations...

    The trick my mind played (successfully) at the end of past attempts was "You will be unable to begin, let alone complete, that important piece of written work you have to do - unless you have a cigarette or two to stimulate your thinking."

    Elius - there is now a thread called "Post for everyone who QUIT evil fags" - it has a good few newly quit like yourself..... strength in numbers?
