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SnoozyS' log

  • 02-01-2011 9:55pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭

    So I'm SnoozyS and have been smoking for 15 years (over half my life) :( Up till now I've been a 20 a day kinda girl. Have made numerous attempts to quit before which have lasted to 5 months max. This time the aim is to last forever. Am sick of going through all the hard parts only to have the 1 lethal smoke which sends me right back to the start. This log is to help keep me focused, and also to help me identify any triggers which I may have missed. All progress good & bad will be tracked here.

    Quit date = 2 January 2011
    Quit reasons = Get better times in races/stop blowing money up in smoke/set a better example to younger family members/sick of waking up with a gunky nose,chest & throat/ inprove health and skin condition.
    Quit Aid = Alan Carr's Easyway to stop smoking and my own willpower.

    Day 1 : last smoke at 11.45pm on 1/1/11 - cravings haven't been too bad today. Had 1 viscious one this morning which had me borderline but just told myself NO and got on with it. :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 cailindeas25

    Fair play to you SnoozyS, the best of luck to you, keep us updated :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,353 ✭✭✭Sasquatch76

    Well done SnoozyS. I think the log will not only help you, if other logs are anything to go by, it will help other quitters too :) The support system on is great!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    So day 2 done and dusted.

    Had a crap nights sleep so am tired and emotional today. Cravings have been fleeting but nothing too bad to manage. The most frustrating/funny part of today has been my bursting into tears randomly...not once but twice :o

    If anything today has strengthened my resolve as I most definately don't want to go through this again!

    SnoozyS :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Dalan

    SnoozyS - Just so we're all in the same thread, how about putting your log from now on into: "Post for everyone who QUIT evil fags" - This already has a good few newly quit like yourself..... Strength in numbers....:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Dalan wrote: »
    SnoozyS - Just so we're all in the same thread, how about putting your log from now on into: "Post for everyone who QUIT evil fags" - This already has a good few newly quit like yourself..... Strength in numbers....:)


    Great minds think alike as I've just posted there. I'll keep updating both......this one will more than likely host my rantings :pac:


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Day 3

    So coming up to the infamous 72 hour mark now....

    72 hours : Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites (the chemicals it breaks down into) will now have passed from your body via your urine. Symptoms of chemical withdrawal have peaked in intensity, including restlessness. The number of cue induced crave episodes experienced during any quitting day will peak for the "average" ex-user. Lung bronchial tubes leading to air sacs (alveoli) are beginning to relax in recovering smokers. Breathing is becoming easier and the lungs functional abilities are starting to increase.

    Back to work today which was a god send. I never really smoked much in work so this wasn't a problem. Only major craving today was when it came to home time. Got back out running this evening too which proved to be a good distraction.

    Overall, today has been a good day :) Am a bit daunted by the fact that all cravings from here on in are going to be mental as opposed to physical...and thus harder to manage but sure we'll get there.


  • Registered Users Posts: 35 Dalan

    Thanks Snoozy - that's a really handy quote for the 3 Day mark - where does it come from?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS


    Has a great timeline for marking all achievements as you stop.

    I find this to be a good way of reinforcing why I am stopping

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Day 4

    And another one to cross off the list as being smoke free :)

    Am sleeping somewhat better but still not great. The cravings have reduced massively now but in saying that, the few i have gotten today have been quite bad. Was sitting here after work on the laptop and all I could think about for 5/10 minutes was smoking. Yet still the urge wasn't strong enough for me to want to get up and do something about it \o/

    My mantra has now become "I can NEVER EVER have another smoke" as I know that if I do, I'll be back on them in no time.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Day 5 now complete...whoop :)

    And without wanting to jinx is getting somewhat easier. Cravings have been less severe this time compared to some of my previous attempts. thinking about it now, I can't believe that I've put myself through this 4/5 times in the last 8 years...madness! This HAS to be my last time going through this crap.

    Plan for the weekend is to keep a low profile and chill out. Am going to avoid drink for the next few weeks till I have a full handle on the cravings.

    Till tomorrow,

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    And so another day completely smoke free

    Today was probably the hardest day i've had since day 2. Was fine in work as usual and then when I was on my way home, first craving hit me and hit me bad! Stopped in the garage for a bottle of coke and bitta chocolate and staved it off.

    Have had quite a few cravings tonight but I think it's because I had nothing planned for the evening bar taking down the Chrimbo tree. It's just going to take time to get used chilling at home without a smoke. \


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭themandan6611

    keep it going your doing well, i am at day 8 and feeling great

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    So week 1 is coming to an end :D

    Today was even harder than yesterday. But have just accepted that weekends are going to be hard for the first few weeks. It's grand when I'm in work as I didnt smoke much in work anyways so my brain associates my free time with smoking.

    Started the day with a fresh 5 miler in the park and have kept myself busy with housework etc which has helped take my mind of it. The chest is definately feeling better when running and it's only now that I can see the full extent smoking had on my running.

    Thanks again to all for their kind comments and boosts


  • Registered Users Posts: 21 noboc

    well done Snoozys..I am on day 8..cant believe it,I have also found a big diff with my chest esp in the morning,even my skin i feel already has improved,I actually fell so much cleanerm,dont know y but i do,I love waking in the mormings thinking right another day done ,sure wats 1 more.My house also is just spotless,loving the housework for once in my life.we will get there,im sure of it snoozys,think of the money we will save,myself and hubby are both of the so we have said we stay of the dirty cigs we are heading to america in summer for holidays as our girl always wants 2 go ther so thats wat keeping me going big time now

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Day 8 over now as is my first weekend smoke free.

    Didn't really have much temptation this weekend as I avoided drink completely, but was nice to just chill for the few days :)

    Have noticed that I'm not even too bothered by my housemate going out for smokes etc...all systems are go :D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    :D Another day notched up now and we're nearly in double figures...whoop

    Am getting maybe 1/2 cravings a day now and that's it thankfully. Right after work seems to be my "trigger" time and the cravings are centred around here.

    Re-read over my reasons for stopping earlier today just to re-inforce why I was stopping and re-assure myself. It's funny how the little things like this will get you over the hump when you're craving a smoke.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Cannot believe that I'm on day 10 already :D Chuffed to bits and 86E richer too.

    Cravings are minimal now so just need to keep the head about me when I'm finally brave enough to go drinking and we should be good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 390 ✭✭happyfriday

    Well done Snoozys, I think half the battle is being brave enough to quit then after that it's just killing the monster. Don't let quitting effect the things you like to do (like going out etc.) the trick I found was not giving nicotine anymore power over me, whenever I found myself craving it I actually let myself think about it, I let myself think about what it actually was I wanted and why I wanted it, 99% of the time I found myself coming to the same conclusion, I really didn't want it at all and it never enhanced my night it just took away from it. The times I was highly stressed and this way of thinking didn't work I just reminded myself that I was in control of me and not nicotine, I made decisions for me and not nicotine.

    I'm sure you can tell I read the book, but the most important thing I think to remember is that you have decided to free yourself and that everyday you can say to yourself 'great, today I DON'T have to smoke'. I'm around 9 months free now and I can hand on heart say to you that I kind of enjoyed becoming a non smoker, the satisfaction I have gotten from not smoking is a hell of a lot more than I ever got from smoking!!!

    So I hope you are enjoying being a non smoker. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Day 12 complete...and I actually had to check how long it had been. Have stopped counting now as what's the point. One day rolls into the next smoke free and that's the way I like it :p

    102.60 saved too :D

    Reached another milestone today in that I revisited a place which I always associate with smoking and guess what.....half the people I visited had gave up too! So was a brucey bonus. Still haven't had a drink but that's not worrying me now. Am going to face that when the time comes and limit how much I drink if needs be.

    Onwards and upwards

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Am on day 16 now :D

    The amount of cravings has really subsided in the last week but am conscious that I must keep reinforcing why I stopped as I know that just 1 is enough to send me back to my auld 20 a day habit.

    €136.80 saved also


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  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭celticcrash

    Well done Snoozy, after a few weeks I became complacent, let the guard down and slipped had one and none since. Just as I was beginning to get
    Comfortable it slipped in under the rader. Addiction is very tricky, it loves to
    Attack when your at your lowest, tired,angry and even when your high.
    But you have being through the hard part, it gets easier each day but as you know keep up them gloves. Suck in that oxygen into your lungs and know
    That your alive.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭SnoozyS

    Yep, I know that feeling CelticC. This is my 4th/5th serious attempt at stoppign smoking in the last 8 years and the longest I've ever went is 4 months and then had 1 when drinking which turned into a regular thing which turned into me smoking full time again :(

    Am aware that this is the main trigger that I need to avoid! During those 4 months, I'd many a great night out without smoking so I know I can do it....just need to be uber disciplined with myself this time as I'm not going through all this sh*t again :P

    Keep up the battle as we'll get there eventually...the other threads on this forum are the proof that it can be done
