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  • 29-12-2010 4:55pm
    Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭

    Re-invent Yourself and Change Your Life Now!

    Announcing two important ‘must-do’ seminars for January 2011.

    · Half day Weight Loss and How to Change Your Life Seminar

    · Half day Quit Smoking and How to Change Your Life Seminar

    Whyare these seminars vital at this time?

    Are you feeling the pain of cutbacks and our economic downward spiralling? These problems are beyond our control yet we all know the pressure, worry and uncertainty they bring. Each of us runs the danger of not being able to cope and slowly sinking with Ireland’s depression. Would you like to feel more in control, lose those excess pounds, feel happier about a brighter future for yourself or maybe stop smoking? These seminars can help give you the answer and show you how to cope in these changing times and way beyond.

    What does the seminar promise?

    They will guide you through many techniques for personal change and empowerment: How to banish fears and low self esteem, how to break years of negative self image and bad habits or behaviours. Not just that, you will learn how to use the power of your mind to set up a happy, healthy and wealthy future.

    How will this be achieved?

    At Learning4Life we have done all the hard work for you! You simply register, tell us the changes you want to make, turn up and leave the rest to us!! You will get the chance to experience NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis and the Learning4Life®Programme. These are some of the most powerful tools known for achieving rapid, powerful and lifelong change.

    What if you attend this seminar?

    You will learn how to let go of unnecessary stress in your body and mind, achieve successful rapid behaviour change, break unwanted smoking and eating habits, improve your self esteem, confidence and memory and most of all you are guaranteed to have fun doing so!! How different would your life be then??

    Your host for this life changing seminar is Anne Marie Ferris, the founder of the Learning4Life™ System. Anne Marie an experienced teacher, educator and therapist. She is a Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy™ and the Learning4Life© Programme. Her experience extends over 20 years. The Learning4Life™ system is guided by the belief that all people are unique, and that each individual has great potential no matter what has happened in the past. As the name suggests, the Learning4Life™ system offers skills and learning for life!

    Venue: Treacys hotel Waterford.
    Dates: Saturday 15th January
    Weight Loss and your New Life! : 10am to 1pm
    Stop smoking for a New Life!: 2pm – 5pm

    Venue: Ferrycarrig Hotel Wexford.
    Dates: Sunday 16th January
    Weight Loss and your New Life! : 10am to 1pm
    Stop smoking for a New Life!: 2pm – 5pm

    Venue: Clayton Hotel Galway.
    Dates: Saturday 22nd January
    Weight Loss and your New Life! : 10am to 1pm
    Stop smoking for a New Life!: 2pm – 5pm

    Venue: Hotel Isaacs Cork City.
    Dates: Sunday 23rd January
    Weight Loss and your New Life! : 10am to 1pm
    Stop smoking for a New Life!: 2pm – 5pm

    For details and bookings, please contact Learning4Life at, or
    086 174 1978
