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sending SMSs to subscribers on BASE (Germany)

  • 22-12-2010 1:44pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 351 ✭✭

    [ If this is the wrong forum, please move it to a more appropriate one. thanks!]

    I've encountered an issue sending sms messages to a number on the BASE network in Germany. The issues only appears to affect O2 subscribers here in Ireland (I have a phone on Vodafone that works fine).

    Talked to O2 this morning and they have logged a technical issue to investigate further but suggested that there may be nothing they can do.

    Some questions?
    Anyone else encountered an issue sending SMSs to german phone numbers?
    If so, do you happen to know what network the person you were trying to contact was on?
    Anyone know how the SMS/telecom agreements are done? I know for internet peering it's either done on a mutual connection basis or on a transit basis (where smaller entities pay the larger ones for transit capacity).



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19 mikki_v


    My Mum has/had a base prepaid in Germany. We discovered that in around April and I called O2 at the time and they weren't helpful nor exactly interested . So I got my mum to change her prepaid to t-mobile. Dad is on t-mobile and he got my txt messages no problem.

    EDIT: Sorry should mention I have a work mobile on vodafone and txts from vodafone through the base prepaid got through no prob.
