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Starting today, I'm a non-smoker

  • 20-12-2010 4:41pm
    Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Even typing this is giving me panic but it's time to face up to the fact that smoking is killing me. What has in the past provided an escape from boredom whilst in work, a social crutch and the rest has caused me years of heartburn, stomach upset and generally feeling awful. Even gone for scopes where the doctor has said "Give up smoking and your stomach will right itself" - in the back of my mind knew this was the main cause of my problems but never faced up to it.

    Figured I would do it first day of the New Year but that has never worked in the past, if I'm going to give up then it has to be now.

    So, here i go. Will post here for the next while to keep a track of how I'm doing/feeling - if only to keep a tabs on cravings and progress.


  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Good on ya. You've made the right decision - now it's time to go for it.
    Don't worry if you eat your own body weight in grub for the next few weeks - that will only last while you're trying to break the cycle/routine.
    Think of all the money you'll save - put it in a jar and treat yourself once a month!
    Smoking is a horrible habit that does nobody any good in the end.
    You've taken the first step. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Thanks - really appreciate the support. This is going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done but as long as I keep my focus I feel I can do it. I've just got terrible willpower at the best of times but this is too important.

  • Registered Users Posts: 257 ✭✭Fairdues

    Hope it's going well for you. If not, you can start again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Shinshin14


    I could you be your twin in terms of medical history as a result of a 30-35 pack a day habit spanning almost 35 years.
    Started again New years day after a failed attempt in November. The game is up for me as regards smoking. Have to give them up before they kill me or reduce my quality of life so much that early death woould be preferrabe.

    I am using Champix to assist me in my latest endeavor and stopped on New years day this year. No cravings today but its early days .

    Best of luck and will keep you posted

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Unfortunately the Xmas break I caved and had a few over the big days - felt sickeningly guilty but have been off them again since New Years, only four days but with the new year feel like it's perfect timing and feel a lot more positive, thanks for the messages guys :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Good for you for getting back on track so soon. In the long term you'll see the Christmas ones as a minor glitch in a success story. I don't know anybody who has managed to give up on their first go.

    Just know that ONE cigarette is all it takes to feed the habit again.

    You're doing so well reaching Day Five again already. Its great to see you back :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,388 ✭✭✭gbee

    Even typing this is giving me panic .

    You'll need a steely determination. I'm off them over 20 years but I rarely admit that as I start panicking for a fag and looking in my pockets, I'm still looking for the fags and matches.

    I take the one day at a time approach and I avoid counting the days since my last smoke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Cheers guys - day 5 and still off the damn things, stomach still no improvement heartburn-wise but I guess it'll take longer than just a few days for the body to right itself after 10+ years of poison!!!

    Appreciate the support :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 283 ✭✭spagboll

    Hello lads,

    I'm off them since the New Years, haven't been bozzing yet tho which is the biggest challenge

    I'm excited!

    With the money I save over the next month I'm going to buy the most expensive aftershave I can get, and enjoy smelling nice for once!

    Good Luck!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Still off the dastardly things, big challenge tonight as will be the first drink I've had, planning on having a couple with the missus on the couch and is always a big trigger for me..... determined though as enjoying the buzz of being off the things too much!

    Hope all going well for you guys...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 robla

    Try yer best to fight off the cravings as best you can sniffingchimp.... coz if you make to get through the seriuious craving you will fell great.....

    I had the mother of all cravings last night that seemed to last about 30mins... (in reality was probably a lot less)..... But fought & fought and eventually it went & managed to get through another night..... & today does not seem to be so bad.....

    So try resisit ! it will be worth it...... Just remember you go want to go thru this giving up lark all over again !!! & apparently it just gets worse evey time.... so keep that in mind....


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 robla

    Anyone else have the same problem as me !! In that giving up smokes is effecting your spelling.....

    Just looked at my last post and I am mortified ! :-)

    I blame giving up the smokes !

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Thanks mate, it's just getting through those goddam cravings when they hit.... keep it up too mate, can only get easier eh? And yeah, starting from scratch seems agonising so can only help to reinforce this quit.

    Enjoy the smoke free weekend guys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Good luck guys. The anticipation of having that first drink without smoking was worse than the event itself for me! You will wake up tomorrow feeling fantastic knowing that you did not smoke....

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Thanks Dollie - I'm almost tempted not to drink to avoid the craving, suddenly booze is far less attractive!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 robla

    sniffingchimp.... feel the pain.... Resist Resist Resist......

    I wish I could say that come Monday you will be happy you did'nt... I actually enjoy smoking... I want to smoke... Just dont want the ill health that comes along with it & reckon that as part of my mid-life crisis ! I need to give up so that I can at least save some part of my life... :-)

    My Mid Life Crisis is another story.... I want for a motor-bike and to shag every women in sight ! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix will be fine. Have a drink!

    I was only able to have two glasses of wine my first night drinking. I was so scared I would cave in. It goes to show how much control cigarettes have over you. But then the next week I was able for three!!! ......and so on...:D

    If you're feeling really tempted just read over this thread to see how far you've come already. You're doing really well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭celticcrash

    Good man chimp. I am off the cigs 5 weeks today. I would not dream of having a alco drink the first couple of weeks. A few drinks can change your brain chemestry. Hand in hand and all that. Sorry but I think your taking a chance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 robla

    Sniffingchimp just face the drinking situation head on if you have to..... if its not this weekend, then it will be next weekend or some other weekend.....

    you are strong, you can do this !! You are a Non-Smoker Now.... Just put in your brain the health side of things etc etc.... remember they are just urges &will pass !!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 183 ✭✭Joeyjoejoe83

    Can I give one piece of advice that made it so mich easier for me, exercise! Only fifteen mins a day, just even going for a walk will do. It gets rid of the stress which makes ya wanna smoke,improves your health and improves your mood. In six months I quit smoking and lost 2 stone. Even just fifteen mins with a dumb bell a day will make it easier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 40 Shinshin14

    Still off the dastardly things, big challenge tonight as will be the first drink I've had, planning on having a couple with the missus on the couch and is always a big trigger for me..... determined though as enjoying the buzz of being off the things too much!

    Hope all going well for you guys...


    Hope by now your are snuggled up to your better half on the couch and enjoying your drink . Youv'e earned it so sit back and put those stinking filthy fags out of your mind. Why let them ruin a nice nite in,
    Any percieved benefit will be gone tomorrow if you wake up with that sinking feelling - not again. I know I've been through it so many times .

    Remember You can do it - look no further than tonight and looking forward to your post on how you you managed to resist the weed. I am going out into the real world tomorrow after being in since Dec 27th so I will need to be on my guard to ensure that I don't cave in - in a moment of madness.

    Take care and enjoy your night in


    Sit b

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭celticcrash

    Hope all is going well sniffingchimp.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭sniffingchimp

    Thanks guys - managed to get thru the weekend and not one single puff - wahey!!! Was hard at times and even had a mini breakdown when I got home from work Friday, think I was just feeling really stressed... anyhow, hope all you guys are still doing great with it, few cravings today but nowhere near breaking point.

    Shinshin - thanks for last Pm, apologies for not coming back to you sooner, hope the real world is treating you well and hope you're feeling a little better :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 127 ✭✭chrisp2281

    I'm off them 12 months in feb. i used the Allen Carr book. Really worked well. Might be worth a read for you
