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Snow Leopard messed up my fonts :(

  • 09-12-2010 6:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭

    Hey guys,

    I just upgraded to SL, and now my fonts are a complete mess.

    Safari and Firefox are making Verdana go bold, and Opera is making Verdana go a couple of sizes bigger than it should. Fonts are also messed up in other things such as installers, etc.

    I messed around with Fontbook and had tons of duplicates and weird stuff.

    Ugh. Im stumped. Im going to try to reinstall systems fonts from my disks.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 602 ✭✭✭philiporeilly

    The upgrade may have corrupted your font cache as that happened to me before with an upgrade. If you are comfortable using terminal there are a few commands to clear font caches or you could download a copy of Snow Leopard Cache Cleaner from

    Its a fully functional trial demo and allows you clear various types of cache files.

    I'd always recommend a clean install of an OS for both Windows and Mac instead of upgrades.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭condra

    Thanks for the reply. I got it sorted in the end by messing around with validating fonts in Font Book, then deleting a whole load of duplicate fonts and reinstalling my system fonts from my install disk, using Pacifist...

    Unfortunately, a clean install was not optional.

    Running Snow Leopard now... it's ... just like Leopard. :p
