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Its not about "giving up" is about Starting to Live

  • 09-12-2010 12:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    If you want to "Stop Smoking" great but be in the right frame of mind and understand you are not giving up anything you are taking control of your life your health and wellbeing again.

    I smoked from age 16 to 34 and have just got control of life again after so many 1/2 arsed attempts at giving up.

    It’s been 5 months now and so much has improved, skin better, lungs better, diet better, fitness better, teeth whiter, full of energy have no cravings for food of those horrible fags BP at normal level and oh lost 21 kg at the same time.

    I did not "GIVE UP" anything I just started to live again and put my health first.

    You don't need to spend any more money on books, patches, therapy gum or any of that absolute S**t. If you have the right positive attitude, educate yourself in Diet / nutrition fitness and take control of your life you won’t smoke.

    You become so positive with re-education that willpower is not a problem because you don’t want that poison in your body both from fags and substandard food.

    If you excuse is you like to smoke when you drink well I enjoy going out for a few pints my problem is its difficult to watch my mates killing themselves slowly when they go out for their smoke.

    My excuse used to be that I put on weight when I stop smoking .Food cravings are possibly just because of a poor diet and taste receptors beginning to grow again after the years of toxic fumes in mouth from smoke. That is why you must re-educate yourself in Nutrition and diet to prevent you putting on excess weight once you stop as your metabolism slows down.
    I have never felt better, and hopefully I will get my body back to the time I did not smoke.

    Start living and stop killing yourself all the information you need is free on the net just search for it. When you put your health, fitness, wellbeing first you will simply not want to smoke anymore and willpower is not a problem.

    If you are serious about giving you the cigs put your health first and educate yourself in diet fitness nutrition and take control of your life go on be selfish and it will be the best thing you ever do.

    The last time I have been this happier, leaner, fitter well healthier was nearly 20years ago before I smoked.

    Good luck to all who put their health first you can’t easily do this.


  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭conan doyle

    Just read your thread and believe me it couldn't have come at a better time for me. Been trying to quit for ages now and putting it off, you know yourself - tomorrow I'll do syndrome. Read the books and all the blurbs and I have to admit I have given up before for 20 years but went back recently. Just can't seem to get my head around it despite my recent bout of severe bronchitis resulting in me having to use an inhaler and my partners constant nagging for my own good.

    Well done to you and I hope one day soon I'll be able to do the same thing and feel as good as you obviously do.

    Best of luck and stick with it,

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 jesse.

    Thanks for that Conan just glad it was of some help to you.

    I know the syndrome only too well "putting it off until tomorrow", “I will just finish this box", " after the wedding", " new year". If you gave up before for such a long time you must know / remember how must better you felt.

    I took a lot of inspiration from the LiveStrong foundation and its philosophy, it might be worth a look if you have a spare few mins.

    You have done it before, just give it time Conan and you will do it again.

    "Go Maire tu le Fuinneamh"

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭conan doyle

    Hi and thank for the reply. I'll have a look at that site you suggested asap. Spent last night reading Alan Carrs Stop Smoking which is what did it for me the first time and once again it's hit home. I'm down to the last five cigs in the box as I type and have not bought my supply for tomorrow so here's hoping. I also made an appointment with my dentist which might sound odd but I'm so determined of success that I've booked a scale and polish to celebrate my new non smoking status. It's laughable I know but I know I can do it and tomorrow's the day. So thanks for the good advice and sharing your experience it is what started me thinking after all and send me the positive vibes. Will keep you all posted on how things are going.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 devnty06

    Don't be a procrastinator... stop thinking about the day tomorrow, do it right now!! throw away the traces of cigar immediately.

    Drug Rehab
