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Budget 2010 & Disability Allowance / extra Payments.

  • 07-12-2010 8:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 23

    Hi , I am wondering if anyone out there knows if the disability allowance was cut in the budget, and if so by how much?
    I have been accepted for the disability allowance, I did have to fwd. them a bank statement there recently so once they process that I hope that it will come through. I have been assured it will.
    I am also wondering if the few extra payments- i.e. - phone allowance, will still stay in place?
    I have been hunting online for this information this afternoon and could not find anything pertaining to disability.
    I am basically wondering if the 5% decrease in sw payment applies to disability payments also?
    I live with my 20 year old son who is in f/t education... he works between 6-10 hours a week in a min wage job, these are all the hours the hotel can offer him, and it is hard to keep us both fed & warm and run a small house on my supp. welfare payment of 196e,(waiting for disability allowance to be processed) plus his small amount in wages.(avg 50e a week) So i have been having bad anxiety recently wondering what will be cut.
    Personally I have been waiting a good while to get approval, it started with aches / pains all over , and after a year i have eventually been given a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, with depression and anxiety.
    I almost feel I have to justify myself in asking a question about the disability allowance as I do not want to be seen, or accused of being a 'scrounger'. Believe me, I would rather work than receive benefits, but the simple fact is that I get very fatigued easily, and the meds I am on- painkillers & meds for the anxiety / depression can make me a bit sleepy.
    Sorry for rambling on a bit, thanks for reading , x

