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An Post weather disruption, bad roads.

  • 01-12-2010 11:16pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,445 ✭✭✭✭

    Looking at the statement from An Post, one thing jumped out at me.
    Adverse weather and road conditions have seriously curtailed mails delivery and potentially collection services today. Whilst An Post staff are making every effort to effect deliveries the following Delivery Service Units in particular faced hazardous conditions and as a result will not be in a position to effect delivery Dublin 3,5,13,16,17, Glenageary, Enniscorthy, Waterford and New Ross. Dunshaughlin Delivery Services Unit could not effect delivery to Ashbourne Village

    Mail is available for collection with suitable ID from these Delivery Services Units with the exception Dublin 16 and Gorey where it was not possible to deliver mail into the office.

    Deteriorating weather conditions overnight
    An Post wishes to advise customers that due to seriously deteriorating weather conditions, mail transport arrangements are likely to be significantly curtailed throughout the country for the rest of the week.

    Mail is transported throughout the State by road and Met Eireann is forecasting further hail, sleet and snow in Leinster and Munster and freezing fog and icy road conditions elsewhere, making driving conditions unsafe.

    Every effort will be made to have mail delivered at the earliest possible opportunity but the reliability of our normal next day service will be significantly impacted throughout the country for the rest of the week.

    I'm amazed that An Post don't appear to have a contingency plan where they can use rail services to get the post out to at least some of the network. I realise that even if delivered to rail stations across the country, there's still some road work to be done but surely it's better to get the post out to reachable regions rather then just let them gather in Dublin.

    This too shall pass.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,032 ✭✭✭DWCommuter

    It probably made sense at the time in the mid 90s to end mail trains, but a dependency on road transport in an era where there is an obvious case of deterioating weather conditions in winter looks really suspect.

    Once again I refer to history. Examine it, use it, learn from it and prepare for it in the future. But we don't. When we stop the headrush into the future and learn to look back in order to go forward, we'll have less problems.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,817 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    From that, the main issue seems to be local delivery rather than the longer distances. Rail won't help you for the vast majority of cases.

    Mail, particularly flat mail is simply no longer a critical service. Most mail is simply not worth delivering if the weather is bad. Electricity bills, receipts, forms can all wait or can be delivered electronically.
