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Best way to manage image size

  • 28-11-2010 3:33pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,608 ✭✭✭


    I'm doing a report and want to include a series of pairs of images displayed side by side. So something like:

    [Image 1] [Image 2]

    [Image 3] [Image 4]

    [Image 5] [Image 6]


    Where each pair of images is bounded exactly by the left and right margins i.e., each pair of images fits the width of the page exactly.

    The problem is that this requires each image to be resized and I'm finding it very tricky to get the images in each pair to be exactly the same size. Even directly specifying the dimensions doesn't seem to work because Word automatically changes one or the other when fitting them onto a line.

    I hope that makes sense. Can anyone suggest a better approach than simply fiddling with them in Word? Thanks.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,240 ✭✭✭✭Fanny Cradock

    Perhaps it's doing it arseways, but I would suggest download a trial version of Photoshop and using that to resize the images.

    1) File (main menu across top of screen) - Open - select your image
    2) Image (main menu across top of screen) - Image Size - enter the values (I'd select pixels as your measurement units - but use whatever makes sense to you).
    3) File - Save for Web & Devices - Select the file type you want to save as (gif, jpeg etc) and the quality. If you press the 2-up tag on the top left of the Save for Web & Devices window you can see how the image looks when you change the file type and mess with the quality while comparing it to the original. It also gives you the file size of both original and the file you are about to create, which I'm assuming you want as small as possible.

    All in all, it's a 30 second job.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,579 ✭✭✭BopNiblets

    Trial version shmial version, get Paint.NET or Irfanview, free image resizing fo' life! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,240 ✭✭✭✭Fanny Cradock

    Indeed! GIMP, another free programme, can also easily resize images.
