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Leg muscle sensations

  • 17-11-2010 9:55am
    Registered Users Posts: 100 ✭✭

    Hi I stopped smoking a year ago. It has been pretty much plain sailing since then. I found the patches great and also 'talked' myself out of it. So for example if I saw people outside smoking and a thought came up that I miss that I would ask myself if I missed 'having' to go outside even in freezing cold weather or rain and then also telling myself the people looked weak and stupid etc.
    I dealt with any other thoughts in a similar fashion, I also looked up gruesome pictures of cancer on the net and made myself look at them. I think for me the key was to deal with any issues of denial head on.
    I still chew about 4 x 2 mg pieces of nicorette gum per day - seems to give me a psychological boost but maybe thats my imagination I don't know.

    Anyway my question is has anyone experienced any leg sensations, tingling or muscle spasm from nicorette gum.
    I have seen the doc, had blood tests, no probs and so she says its my age!
