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Volenteers Wanted for Film about Phobia Cure

  • 12-11-2010 3:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Joachim Eriksson and I am an alternative health practitioner using several different techniques to help people with various sort of mental afflictions.

    I am looking for 1 or 2 volunteers for a short documentary that will show how phobias are cured through alternative holistic methods that eventually will be posted on youtube. If you partake in this project you will get paid a marginal small sum of money, but on other hand you will be cured of your phobia. You will have to agree to have you name and surname mentioned in the video, and also have part of your day-to-day living filmed as well as the therapy you will go through.

    I am primarily looking for people who are suffering from severe claustrophobia, agoraphobia, fear of dogs or fear of spiders, but people with other types of phobias are welcome to contact me as well. It's also preferable if you live near Dublin.

    Answer to this thread if you have any questions, otherwise send me a personal email at: joachim.eriksson[at]gmail[dot]com

    (I am using brackets above to avoid spam-robots, please write the email address as it would make sense to you)

    Looking forward to be hearing from you!

    Kind regards,
    Joachim Eriksson


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,664 ✭✭✭Doyler92

    I could possibly join in. I have a terrible fear of moths and daddy long legs (as in the insects).

    I'll pm my email to you and get in touch with me as you feel necessary.
