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I'm about to make a life defining decision folks

  • 09-11-2010 2:06pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 20

    My fingers are trembling as I type these words; my constricted breaths intensify with every syllable.

    From tomorrow onwards, I will not smoke a fag for the first time since I commenced the ghastly habit at the age of 14. I now have rather increased mileage on the clock, with 36 years registered on the worn dashboard.

    My meandering existence has faced many challenges, with fags providing support during previous trying periods. However, I find myself at an all time nadir. Ultimately, I need to rid myself of this cursed affliction if I am to continue on this trying planet.

    My 40-a-day tally is no longer sustainable financially. I am drowing in negative equity after plumping for a rather swanky bachelor pad in 2006. To make matters substantially more calamitous I was recently sacked from my well paid job -- meaning my costly addiction cosumes over 50% of my weekly 196 euros income.

    My situation is pretty dire, but I can extract a positive from this situation by taking this crucial step away from evil fags! Toady is the last day you'll find a fag hanging from my mouth!

    Please help me through this, fellow sufferers!


  • Registered Users Posts: 51,342 ✭✭✭✭That_Guy

    I've given up as of yesterday. This is my second day and I've decided to go cold turkey. I'm doing ok at the moment. My cravings haven't gotten to me yet thankfully.

    I think the key is to identify your triggers and try and do things differently to distract you.

    I've been keeping myself busy be it at work or at home.

    Took my time doing paperwork yesterday in work so that I'd keep myself busy as long as possible.

    At home, I cleaned my room, I put on a load of washes, made dinner, watched TV, played online poker, watched a film, played my PS3 up until I went to bed.

    I kept myself extremely busy/distracted.

    Today, I've been keeping myself busy in work. Had a lot to do this morning, this afternoon when I was allowed have a break, I decided to read a chapter of a book I brought to work instead of going out for a cigarette.

    I've not had any coffee over the last two days as that's a big trigger for me.

    Before bed I'd usually have a cigarette but last night I decided to make a cup of decaf herbal tea which was quite nice.

    I didn't sleep too well last night to be honest. Kept waking up so I reckon exercise will help me sleep that bit better if I just completely tire myself out.

    Alcohol will be the biggest challenge but I will be cutting down severely on beer for a while.

    That's not to say that I won't have anything to drink on Friday. I'll move from pints to bottles. I could easily go two pints/bottles without having a smoke so that's all I'll allow myself.

    It's still early days but one thing that is really motivating me to quit is the money.

    According to I spend nearly €50 a week on smokes. So, I've decided to stick €50 into a jar each week and at the end of the month I'll splash out on something as a reward for my (hopefully) hard work I'll have done.

    Very best of luck OP.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Best of luck "fags are evil" (yes they are:pac:)

    If you believe you can do it and WANT to do it, you will.

    I speak as someone who is now of them 9 months, I havent had one drag, and I can honetly say I no longer want to.

    All I can say is it does get easier.

    Just keep yourself busy, take it one day at a time, and remember its mind over body. Do not let one lousy white stick win. You wouldnt even enjoy it!

    Good luck again

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,342 ✭✭✭✭That_Guy

    Hope your first day is going ok OP.

    Third day today. Cold turkey. Doing ok so far but I haven't slept properly for the past two nights and am sure it'll be the same tonight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Fags are Evil

    My cold turkey approach had its head chopped off I'm afraid. :(

    I lasted about 8 hours before I watched powerless from the sidelines as my hand lit a fag against my will-- forcing me to breathe in toxic fumes. :mad:

    I have thus decided to use a graduated strategy -- reducing my intake in increments.

    My initial target is to go from 40 to 37 a day. When I reach this target I'll reassess my position.

    Damn fags! :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 182 ✭✭thenutflush

    It might be a better idea to go straight down to a box of 20 day. If you are used to smoking a full 40 a day and then tell yourself to keep to 37, it might be quite difficult for you to resist the last 3. With 20 you're restricted by only having 20 at your disposal...of course I'm sure you've considered all of this already.

    Once you've managed to get down to 20 and stay at it for a week or two, pick a date a few weeks ahead of then to go cold turkey, so you can have time to prepare yourself mentally for it. The first date of a new month could be a good idea, because they only come around 12 times a year and you may feel more determined not to slip up because of this. It's also easier to count exactly how long you've been off them if you smoke your last one before midnight on the 1st of the month.

    Maybe december 1st could be a good date for going cold turkey; if you can manage to stay away from the fags for the month of december, you will have proved to yourself that you can pass through the most difficult month without giving in. It's a wednesday so you would have the weekend to sit out the worst of the withdrawal symptoms.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 winchesterj54

    have you tried switching to herbal cigarettes
    they sell them in enisskillen up north
    the shops called holland and barretts
    there pretty cheap you get them in packs of ten or 20 for around
    3.00 pounds i think
    they helped my mother quit in about a month or two she was a long time smoker

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,342 ✭✭✭✭That_Guy

    So this will be my fourth day going cold turkey. I've been doing ok but I'm really going through the mill in work at the moment.

    Been handed a ton of work and constant interruptions are causing me to get really frustrated because I want to just focus on my work.

    Just want them to fcuk off really. I badly wanna light up to calm myself but there's no fcuking hope in hell that I'm doing that.

    Mad frustrated atm. Might just fake an illness, go home early and play Call Of Duty to keep me occupied.
