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walking home..

  • 15-10-2010 10:05am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭

    right so firstly i normaly walk home at all hours pissed and its some walk from my place of drink (my mates) and my house,not even drink just if i am going to see my mates or play some football ect you get the idea

    anyhow im 17 and have always had no bother with anyone in dublin ever strangers even seem to love me

    but ofcorse there are ****heads out there walking home from a party one morning now this was about 7am or 6ish i walked trough a feild witch saves me a good 15 mins walk so i get to the gate 3 lads same age as me,come out from a bush ask me for a smoke i say sorry lads nothin on me,then he runs up infront of me and asks for a light,i go to look down next thing he smacks me a dig and his two mates rugby tackle me and kick me around on the ground for a good 3 mins ..i felt like my body would just give up ..i have been in fights before but this wasnt a fight it was a beating like no other just kicks to the face and ribbs anyway he asks me for money i shout out' no get the **** off me why would i give you money',anyway his mate takes out a knife and says because were hungry and thay continue to beat me for a few more seconds while his other little gimp looks trough my pockets and finds 4 euros!!:O:O

    im fine now but for a week i felt pretty crap i didnt go to the gaurds either because 1)was in a feild no camras or anything and 2)i dont rember the faces even tho it lasted 5 mins or so i happend very fast..tho i am thinking about it since the next person might not take as many kicks to the head as i can

    i know if it was a 1 on 1 fight i could have knocked the heads off them but now everytime i have a few drinks on me or it gets late i feel very paranoid walking anywhere its not incase i get into a fight witch isnt to far fetched since i live in a rough place but its how many there will be ,since when i am walking home i see tons of people in groups who i normaly just walk right past n give a nod i think those days have changed ..tis a sad thing when man will harm his fellow man for 4 poxy euros eh?

    anyway this was a long one indeed thanks for readin let me know some of yours.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,766 ✭✭✭squeakyduck

    Oh my god. You poor thing! :( I hope you're ok now! I hate little gurriers that think it's fun to beat up some poor unsuspecting someone.

    Luckily I've been living in Dublin for 4 years and nothing has ever happened like that to me. Fingers crossed it will never happen to me or to you again. I always get a taxi home with my boyfriend or if he's not out a few of his friends will let me hop in their taxi as they are going the same route as me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,811 ✭✭✭xoxyx

    You poor guy. I feel so sorry for you reading your post.

    Unfortunately, there are some (not loads, but some) total ****bags out there and, even though it's annoying, sometimes damage limitation is the only way to go and this can mean not taking that shortcut through a dark field or alley. It might never happen again, but I honestly wouldn't take any unnecessary risks in Dublin anymore.

    There's one street that I frequently walk down in Dublin and I'm constantly wary of getting a dig (I'm a girl btw, but it doesn't seem to make a difference). Just on my way home today some normal looking fella was walking ahead of me and all of a sudden he starts yelling and races into the street straight in front of a cyclist. The cyclist swerved and the car behind blasted its horn at the fella on the road who then spit at the car. I was walking past then and I could see the guy staring at me out of the corner of my eye but I just put the head down and walked faster.

    Thing is, nine times out of ten, even aggressive behaviour won't lead to it getting physical, but when it does, the type of guys on the streets anymore will kick ten shades out of you for no reason at all. That's what scares me - the randomness of it all!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭Sgt.Peppers

    yea im fine now thanks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭Sgt.Peppers

    yea i mean the part of dublin im from most streets arnt safe druged up washers on every corner

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭Knasher

    Yeah I know how you feel. I live in Cork city and to be honest I quite like the city life, but I grew up in the countryside as a farmers son so perhaps I'm a little bit naive when it comes to dealing with ****heads.

    I was cycling home from shopping one evening (I was in a pedestrian area outside the mall so I wasn't going fast) around 7 pm when a kid about 12 kicked me. Now I was bullied as a child and I always regretted not standing up for myself, so rather than take it and cycle away (which I probably should have done) I decided to stop and give out to this kid. I'm not a violent person and I would never hit a kid (I'm 26), but I guess that's not something you can really tell by appearance. But well I was feeling angry, it was the middle of the city and in the middle of the day and I felt I deserved an apology.

    At this stage I made a mistake. The kid was doing that whole trying to look nonchalant and blend into the crowd thing. He was moving behind his friends and I wanted to shout at him so I grabbed his collar. I know I shouldn't have, and I feel guilty about that, but that's what I did.

    Little did I realize that he was with his friends (or rather that the small group he was with was part of a larger group nearby) and as soon as I started giving out to this kid, his friends launched into me. I don't know exactly how many of them there were, maybe 12 but more than 10 and ranging in age from 12 to 17 but probably minors. Mostly it was 3 eldest of them and to be honest I'm not particularly strong but I'm reasonably resilient and I could have hurt them but if I had fought back. It would have been all of them then and when I was that age I knew a lot of people who used to carry knives. Plus they were minors and I'm not and like I said I'm not a violent person and I don't hit kids. So all I did was just keep asking them to stop as they were punching me in the face.

    In the end a passerby intervened and ended it and I ended up with a bloodied face and a broken tooth. For a long while after that I was scared for running into them again in the city (I don't remember really what they looked like, but they might remember me), and every time I see a group of people I feel fear, even though I know its not the same people. I also feel guilt about grabbing the kid, I know I wouldn't have hurt him but that still doesn't make it okay.

    Maybe it was different where I grew up, or maybe I was just living in a bubble, but when I was younger I could never have imagined doing something like this to an adult. Its a terrible thing when kids know they will get away with acting however they want, I really do despair for the adults they will grow into. I know now if I ever do have kids that they will not grow up in the city.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,577 ✭✭✭StormWarrior

    A similar thing happened to me about 10 years ago when I was 17. I was walking along the road in broad daylight, when I (a girl) had to walk past a gang of about 15 boys. They took exception to the fact that I was wearing a Guns N' Roses T-shirt, and they surrounded me and yelled and threw things at me, then one of them smashed me around the head, with all his might, with a metal bar. Then as I struggled free and made my escape they threw the bar at my head. By the time I got home, my head was swollen up and bruised and blood was running down my face. My mum took me to the hospital and the police station. The police weren't really interested at all, but my mum pressured them to find the culprits. They found them very easily as it turned out that 2 of them lived in the house outside which the incident happened. However the boys all blamed one of them in particular who lived in a different county and was only in my county on a visit, so the police decided that it wasn't worth persuing (even though they knew who that boy was, and the others had all played a part.)

    I was too scared to go out unaccompanied for a few months, but the scared feeling does fade after a while. Have you thought about going to a self-defence class? They teach you not only how to fight people off but how to avoid getting into dangerous situations in the first place.
