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  • 04-10-2010 11:22pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,886 ✭✭✭

    Apologies if this should be staring me in the face in user CP. But I just can't seem to find it.

    Can someone run through how to multi-quote one post, and how to multi-quote a series of posts in a thread?



  • Registered Users, Subscribers, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47,365 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    It's actually simpler than a lot of people think. Simply click on this icon multiquote_off.gif in the bottom right corner of each post you want to quote, and then click on Post Reply. The chosen posts will appear in the text box, to which you can add your own text.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,886 ✭✭✭Darlughda

    Thanks. It doesn't seem to work when I am multi-quoting one post though.

    When I put in my own replies in between sentences, a pop up message comes up telling me that I have not entered enough characters?:confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Darlughda wrote: »
    Apologies if this should be staring me in the face in user CP. But I just can't seem to find it.

    Can someone run through how to multi-quote one post, and how to multi-quote a series of posts in a thread?


    And unfortunately, to multi qoute a single post you have to do it manaully :(

    Take Zaph's responce to you.
    Zaph wrote: »
    It's actually simpler than a lot of people think. Simply click on this icon multiquote_off.gif in the bottom right corner of each post you want to quote, and then click on Post Reply. The chosen posts will appear in the text box, to which you can add your own text.

    Each section you wish to quote must be enclosed on [noparse]
    [/noparse] tags or [noparse]
    Zaph wrote: »
    [/noparse] tags, to show who you are quoting (cut & paste is your friend ;) ). To break this into individual sentences you would do the following. Click on the quote icon in the post you wish to multi quote. Then add the [noparse]
    [/noparse]tags around the sections of text you wish to quote. (See below)

    Zaph wrote: »
    [/noparse]It's actually simpler than a lot of people think.[noparse]

    Zaph wrote: »
    [/noparse]Simply click on this icon multiquote_off.gif in the bottom right corner of each post you want to quote, and then click on Post Reply.[noparse]

    Zaph wrote: »
    [/noparse]The chosen posts will appear in the text box, to which you can add your own text.[noparse]

    Would produce the following message and you can add your response under each quoted section :)
    Zaph wrote: »
    It's actually simpler than a lot of people think.

    Your response here

    Zaph wrote: »
    Simply click on this icon multiquote_off.gif in the bottom right corner of each post you want to quote, and then click on Post Reply.

    Your response here

    Zaph wrote: »
    The chosen posts will appear in the text box, to which you can add your own text.

    Your response here

    Hope that helps :)


  • Registered Users, Subscribers, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47,365 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    Cheers B-Builder

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,886 ✭✭✭Darlughda

    B Builder thank you very much for that. Mystery explained.

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