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Tutorial: How to get the Sky red button channels on Dreambox

  • 29-09-2010 10:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,545 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi lads.
    I did this earlier and it works great so I decided I'd make a quick tutorial for anyone else with Sky UK and wants to watch a different game from the one they have on the main channel (Champions League red button games or Football First etc.).

    What you'll need:

    Dreambox connected to router/internet.
    Dreambox Edit: Download here.

    Step 1.

    Open DBE and click settings at the top of the application.
    Type in the IP of your dreambox in the box highlighted in the image below.
    You may also have to change the dreambox file paths so DBE can find the files it needs on your box to work. I have the nabilosat blackhole image so I have to select New Enigma2 settings.
    When you are done click save.

    Step 2.

    Click FTP at the top of the DBE application.
    Click browse and choose somewhere on your computer to store the dreabox files on your computer while you make changes, it can be anywhere but I recommend making a dreambox folder and outting them in there because there is a lot of files(very small in size though).
    After you have selected a place to store the files, hit Receive Files From Dreambox. If you have done everything right the files should start copying to your computer.

    Step 3.

    Next, click the dropdown box that says All Satellites as highlighted in the picture below. Choose the Astra2/Eurobird (28.2E) satellite. Then click Service as highlighted to put the channels in order.


    Step 4.

    Scroll down until you see the channels highlighted in the picture. The services names 1471 to 1485 are the services that you need to activate to see them on your dreambox, right now they are just known as data channels and are invisible.
    To do this you have to click on each channel, starting with 1471 and change the Service Type to 1 as shown in the picture below. After you do this for a channel click save and move on to the next one until you have them all done.

    Step 5.

    Almost done now, you will have to send the files back to the dreambox.
    Click FTP at the top again and hit Send Files to Dreambox. In the white box below lots of writing will fly down the page and soon after you should see it say Transfer Complete. Note that sometimes DBE will freeze while doing the transfer but let it work and it will fix itself. When the transfer is done you may have to restart the dreambox for the changed to take effect.

    After you restart your box you should now see the channels listed under the 28.2E satellite channels :).

    You can also change the names of the channels from numbers to whatever you want by going back into DBE and clicking on the service and changing the name.
    Remember to send the files back to the box for it to take effect though ;).
    Apologies if the images are a bit big :o.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 748 ✭✭✭RogerThis

    Thanks for the great guide.

    Will this work for the BBC red button or is there other channel numbers to be added?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,545 ✭✭✭✭Oat23

    RogerThis wrote: »
    Thanks for the great guide.

    Will this work for the BBC red button or is there other channel numbers to be added?

    Probably should have added those too :o. For BBC you need to change the channels named STREAM-1 to STREAM-6 from data channels to video channels. Same as above, change the Service Type to 1 and send the files back to the box :).


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭pissed

    Only got around to doing this tonight, great tutorial, worked first time thanks :)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 531 ✭✭✭fontdor

    Hi I have a urgent question, Does anyone know how I can connect my Dreambox using DBE? I can't get it to work. My dreambox is already connected to my router.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭Manc-Red

    The "Stream" channels are not in play - anyone got an updated channel name for these red button channels other than the Olympic ones?

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  • Moderators, Regional North West Moderators Posts: 19,171 Mod ✭✭✭✭byte

    Manc-Red wrote: »
    The "Stream" channels are not in play - anyone got an updated channel name for these red button channels other than the Olympic ones?

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