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iPhone won't connect to itunes.

  • 24-09-2010 6:26am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 896 ✭✭✭

    Last night I was prompted to download the latest version of itunes(10 i think) so I did.
    When it was finished I opened itunes and connected my iphone.
    Nothing happened. I power cycled my phone but no luck. I power cycle the laptop(win xp) and that didn’t work.

    Is this a known issue and is there a fix.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,581 ✭✭✭Deep Thought

    Had the same problem....what OS do you have on phone ?

    I had to upgrade to latest OS

    The narrower a man’s mind, the broader his statements.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    Szondi wrote: »
    Had the same problem....what OS do you have on phone ?

    I had to upgrade to latest OS

    he cant update his phone if itunes isn't registering it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 896 ✭✭✭clansman

    OS 4.0

    Sophie1234 is right I can't update.

    When i plug in my phone nothing happends on itunes....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 516 ✭✭✭sophie1234

    try plugging it in then entering dfu mode hold home and power then realise the power button and continue to hold the home button till itunes pops up with a message saying it has reconised a phone in recovery mode and will need to restore and then it will restore and update ect! it may take a few attemps of doing it before it works.

    but if its jailbroken or anything you will lose them!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,160 ✭✭✭Kimono-Girl

    is it recognizing the phone as a camera? and then nothing in itunes?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 896 ✭✭✭clansman

    only the camera wizard this pops up and nothing happenes in itunes. I going to reinstall itunes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,208 ✭✭✭✭aidan_walsh

    Check that the AppleMobileDeviceService is running and that your firewall isn't blocking it or iTunes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 224 ✭✭J2D2

    I had this issue a few weeks back when I updated iTunes without my phone attached, I had to do the following to fix it:
    I have the solution...TRUST ME. I have done all of the restore, reinstall, update is the SOLUTION. It seems that when you plug your iPhone in for the first time, your PC automatically installs the iPhone as a "Camera device". This is the problem. All you need to do is point it to the correct driver, which is a USB driver in device manager. Follow these steps, I will bet that it solves all of your recognition issues.

    1. 1. First off you need to have iTunes installed and the ipod touch plugged in
    and recognized as ‘something’ e.g. digital camera (it shouldn’t really
    matter what it’s recognized as, but it needs to be found by windows).

    2. Search for usbaapl in the C:\WINDOWS system folder:
    o open windows explorer (e.g. Right-click Start and then click ‘explore’)
    o right-click the WINDOWS folder and select ‘Search’).
    o type in usbaapl and hit Search – try to ignore the dog!
    You should find the driver info in a sub folder of
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\usbaapl_A65621D65F5B7 507DD7B22331826547BDD2D206B
    Remember that location (either leave the search box open or copy the folder
    name into note pad – you’ll need it later)
    If you don’t find usbaapl.sys, usbaapl.inf etc. then your drivers have not
    been installed with the iTunes install and you’ll have to reinstall iTunes.

    3. Locate the ipod-camera device:
    o Open the device manager, e.g. using Start > Control Panel >
    Performance and Maintenance > System > Hardware Tab > Device Manager
    o Look for a device called ‘ipod’ - if your ipod shows up as
    ‘digital camera’ it will be under something like ‘imaging devices’.

    4. Update the driver:
    o Right click the ‘ipod-camera’ in device manager and click on
    ‘Update Driver’ – the Hardware Update Wizard will open.
    o Check the ‘Install from a list or specific location’ then click ‘Next’
    o Check ‘Dont search. I will choose the driver to install' click 'Next'
    Here you should see the Apple Device to update, click "Have Disk"
    In the text box below type (or better copy and paste) or browse the folder
    containing the ipod driver information found in step 1 (in the example
    above it was C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\usbaapl_A65621D65F5B7 507DD7B22331826547BDD2D206B),
    Click "OK"

    DONE!! the driver is now updated and located in the correct USB port

    It does work though, much to my relief :)
