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how do you delete your skype account?

  • 16-09-2010 8:53pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 454 ✭✭

    ok, what I'm trying to do is going to "control panel", then "add/remove programs" & then I'm planning to just remove skype.

    But would this method just remove skype from my computer, & not actually DELETING my account.
    I don't really what to remove skype, but still have my account floating around in cyberspace.

    Any info is greatly appreciated,
    many thanks in advance!:)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,824 ✭✭✭RoyalMarine

    The information that you choose to make available to other Skype users are under our sole control. If you want the user profile is no longer visible to other Skype users, just do not make more access to their Skype account. After about 10 – 21 days, the user profile will no longer appear in the Skype directory. But if you try to log back into your account after the 21 day period, the user profile will be restored, confirming that the data is still present. It must be borne in mind in fact, that your user name is not deleted and the same user name can not be used to open another Skype account. In short we will not be visible in search results, but that does not mean that our account was actually canceled. To eliminate all our information follow the following: Go to: File> Create your own profile … (If you have a previous version of Skype to 4) while Skype> Profile> Edit My Profile (if you have the version 4). and simply replace the information with the gaps! Also, if you want to create another account or simply want to delete a Skype name from the login screen – follow the instructions below:

    If you use Windows:

    1. Quit Skype.
    2. Double-click “My Computer” shortcut on your desktop.
    3. In the menu at the top, go to Tools> Folder Options.
    4. Under the View tab, select “Show hidden files and folders” and close the window.
    5. Double-click “Local Disk (C:)“
    6. Double-click the folder “Documents and settings“
    7. Double-click the folder with your Windows username.
    8. Double click on “Application Data” folder [Note: For Vista users, the folder is "/ AppData / Roaming /"]
    9. Double-click the folder “Skype”.
    10. Delete the folder named with the username you want to remove from the login screen.
