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My Brand Logo - Changing The WordPress Logo

  • 15-09-2010 11:30am
    Registered Users Posts: 313 ✭✭

    I'm trying to remove the WordPress Logo that appears at the top of a page when a visitor wants to log in or register and replace it with my own.

    I'm am using My Brand Login by Kris Jonasson. But I'm having difficulties.
    I'm quite happy with the way the login box/registrations boxes appear but try as I may I cannot get my own image to appear in place of the WordPress Logo. Activate the plugin and as stated you have a blank canvas.

    Here is what I've done, step by step. From Settings I click My Brand, I click on the large Upload Image button and fill in the 'add an image' box which appears: uploading my login-1.gif file. Go through the upload precess, then check, still noting there.

    To check that there is nothing wrong with my image I've also tried it with logo-login.gif and logo.gif but again nothing. Deactivate the plugin and presto the WP logo is back.

    I'm also using SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam

    Website address ABC Writers Network

    Any suggestions
