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Free Fees or not?

  • 26-08-2010 4:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭

    If a person received a student maintenance for the first year of college that started in September 2005, and would of got grant for first part of 2006 etc., but did not receive any grant ever since or for any subsequent years, would they still qualify for free fees?

    Would they class it as a 5 year gap from getting awarded grant [September 2005],so it would then be classed as a second chance student,
    or would they class the gap as from being 2006 [end of first year], therefore disqualifying the person from being a second chance student?

    Do they measure the gap from when maintenance stopped being paid to the student, or from when student stopped attending the course, even if they were paying themselves?

    If they are not entitled to free fees, would they still be eligible for the 1500 student charge paid, if they are receiving BTEA?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 fionadowling85


    As far as I know they measure the gap from when the student finished the course. I think the 5 year gap decides whether or not you pay tuition fees in your second course if it is the same level as the first course you undertook. As for your other questions I'm not certain, I think it can be different in every case. I finished a 3 year level 7 diploma and decided to start over with a 4 year level 8 degree. I didn't leave a 5 year gap nor was I a mature student when I entered my second course. I was told I was not entitled to free fees for the first 3 years of the course because I had done the equivilant in the level 7 course, however I had never done a level 8 (final year) so I'm supposed to get that year free (which is this year, mind you they invoiced me for the full tuition fees but I'm hoping it's a mistake on the college's part, citizen information have told me that I am entitled to my last year free). I applied for the grant last year and got half maintenance and expect to get the same this year, so the 5 year gap didn't seem to apply in my case for getting tha grant. I'd say just chance applying for the grant even if it's just to pay for the regristration fees and if you're starting a new course and have not studied since 2005/2006 then hopefully you will just about qualify for free tuition fees again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Little Acorn

    Thanks fionadowling,

    I have applied for just the student charge of 1500, and am not seeking any maintenance grant of them, as I expect to be receiving BTEA.
    My college has sent me out information for my registration day, and also a bank giro for the student charge.
    They have not sent me any bill for tuition fees, but I'm thinking now that once my application for the student charge fee at the grant office is processed, that if I'm not classed as having a 5 year gap, that I'm going to be hit with both tuition fees and the student charge.:(

    My course is a level 8, and so was my other one that I left in first year of.
    Think I'm completely screwed really, but will keep my fingers crossed and just hope and pray that the tuition fees, or at least the student charge are covered for me. I don't know how I'm going to pay otherwise, because I'm already in debt with the bank which I pay every week, so I won't get a loan.

    Guess I'll just have to muddle through somehow, where there's a will there's a way and all that!
    Thanks again for reply.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 fionadowling85

    Well if you dropped out in first year I think the most they can make you pay tuition is for one year, by right you should be entitled to the other three years free. If the college has sent you an invoice for 1500 then fingers crossed that might be all you have to pay, because usually they include the tuition fees on the invoice. I have a feeling that the grant system, especially local councils and education comittees, are for the most part a seperate system from the fees authority so I don't think they have any say in who pays what fees, also, if your getting BTEA then you shouldn't have to pay tuition fees either. I'm not entirely certain but fingers crossed.
