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Converting Mod files

  • 24-08-2010 1:23am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 213 ✭✭

    i just got a new Mac Book Pro with final cut express installed on it. I have a JVC Camcorder that records in MOD format. Its not accepted by final cut express does anyone know anyway I can convert the files into a format accepted by final cut express?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭dacogawa

    1, Record your video as normal. Plug the camera into the AC adaptor, and the USB plug. Connect this to your Mac.
    2. A new drive will appear. Open it. Copy the contents of the SD_Video folder onto your mac.
    3. Delete anything that isn’t a .mod file as these are irrelevant.
    4. Rename all the .mod to .mpeg and change the extension when prompted.
    5. Download ffMpegX and the necessary binaries
    6. Open up ffMpegX and open the first .mpeg file. Convert this to a .MOV, .DV, .AVi file or whatever format you need. Final Cut is best with DV (although uses a lot of bytes).
    7. Repeat as necessary for all your .MPEG files.

    Copied and pasted from someone else, Macs suck! no problems with PC
