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Manually locking channels

  • 13-08-2010 7:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 249 ✭✭

    Has anybody tried to lock channel 131(angels)?
    I have locked the channel but after a while it unlocks itself.
    This is just one of several issues i have had,not that impressed with UPC so far.


  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 12,241 Mod ✭✭✭✭icdg

    ger34, I merged a similar thread of yours with the main AngelTV thread. You are NOT allowed start multiple threads on the same topic and if you decide to try and circumvent a moderator decision again you will recieve a week ban.

    Here's how you lock a channel on UPC-branded boxes:

    1. Press "Guide".
    2. Highlight the channel in the EPG.
    3. Press Green
    4. Scroll to "Lock/unlock channels" and press OK.
    5. In the "Channel Settings" screen, the channel you want to lock should be highlighted. If not ensure that it is.
    6. Press Yellow
    7. Enter your PIN and press OK.

    To unlock the channel, follow the process again.

    I'll leave this thread open as long as it sticks to the lock/unlock channel process. Any discussion of Angel TV and it will be immediately closed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 249 ✭✭ger34

    Yes, have followed the procedure and it works for a while,but then it re-opens itself.
    UPC suggested to lock the channel in the normal way, then immediately put it on stand-by.
    It seemed to work,left on stand-by and the following morn it was still locked,but after watching tv for maybe half hour it opened again and is still open.
    Should tv be this bloody difficult?
