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Working for The Care Trust...€800 weekly?!

  • 15-07-2010 8:30pm
    Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    gonna make this as short as possible.

    Basically I know someone who is recently working for the charity The Care Trust doing door to door work, commisson only based. This person claims to get about €800 a week for about 25 hours work (10 sales a week).

    Having known somebody working for Airtricity door to door, the money wasnt even half as good as The Care Trust.

    Im just curious, could this be true? Surely if a charity based job would give away this much money, thousands of people would apply for it??

    I wouldnt do it myself, but im just wondering if €800 per week is an exagerated figure for door to door work.

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