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Where to go

  • 08-07-2010 3:19pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Have gone annon for this guys. I am not looking for advice, just direction.

    I am feeling like I am out of direction, feel like bursting into tears at a moments notice and having mood swings from anger to joy to sadness in the space of minutes.

    I am actually trying to hold myself together, typing this, and have had to stop and change the screen more than once already.
    I feel that the only thing holding my life together is my wonderful lady.

    I really do not feel comfortable talking to my GP, as it is a work based practice. Is there anywhere that I can go, without having to resort to another GP practice. I do not know what is wrong with me but I do now that something is.

    I am sorry if this is the complete incorrect use of this forum but I am at a loss and can not bring myself to talk to people I know, just yet


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,399 ✭✭✭✭r3nu4l

    Hi there :) First off, I'm going to move this to the PI forum as you'll get a wider audience there and plenty of people to share experiences with :)

    Secondly, it WILL get better, rest assured on that score. There's plenty of places you can go to but for a start try, call them, talk to them. Talk to people here on boards in the PI forum. Talk to the Samaratins. There's loads of places to go to other than a GP but eventually, you really should go to a GP. Why? Well it may be depression you are suffering from or it could be a form of bipolar disorder or something else. A GP will help you diagnose the problem correctly and start you out on the right road to feeling better! A GP can refer you to a counsellor if that's what you need.

    Somebody very close to me spent years in very bad depression and it was only when it came to suicidal feelings that this person eventually went to the GP. Two years later I'm delighted to report that this person is feeling far, far better and has turned their life around from feeling completely helpless, depressed and stressed to happy.

    Best of luck and remember that it really, really will get better especially if you seek professional help. If you really want to feel better sooner rather than later then a GP is a great starting point :) Hope life turns around for you soon!

    EDIT: Moved from the Gentlemen's Club :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭Aprilsunshine

    Been there and back.

    GP is the best bet, get anti depressants for a couple of months, and then consider a counsellor.

    There is a practice of group therapy on Abbey st in Dublin. Might be a worth a look.

    I don't mean to be flippant about the anti depressants btw but they really worked for me over a period of months.

    Good luck. It gets better.
