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  • 06-07-2010 11:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I'd just like to state from the outset that I'm not looking for medical advice here, just general advice.
    Im a female in my mid-twenties and I have two small areas about the size of a 10cent coin which appear to be ringworm. I think I may have contracted it from a dog I recently petted! I'm so disgusted at the thoughts of it and it didn't even enter my head that it was ringworm until I saw the second one. It just seems so dirty! Anyway, I'm heading to the chemist tomorrow to get something for it and am wondering does anyone here have any advice on it? Is it true that a thrush cream such as Canesten will work or does it have to be a specific type of Canesten? Any other products which are meant to be really effective? Advice on stopping it spreading any more on me,...2 is enough!

    Thanks for reading :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Don't but anything on it which was not given to you by the chemist for it.
    In the mean time don't scratch it and certainly try not to touch it and then touch your skin else where.

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