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Surgery has intererfered with appearence

  • 06-07-2010 9:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Today I just had surgery and had a device called a portacath fitted into my chest just below my collarbone. It's basically a little implant under the skin that I will using now and again for treatment for a health condition I have, nothing major. Almost all people who have chemotereapy have this device so some people may be familiar with it. Now I'm young at 21, have a decent enough body, height and am good looking but there is now a bit of a bulge on the front of my chest and I can see it through the t-shirt I have on today. The doctor told me that because I have no fat on my chest but just muscle then this bulge will always be seen. I know I sound shallow but it's bugging me now, what would your advice be? I always liked to wear tight enough tops but i guess it's out of the question now :(


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Generally the more you try to mask something, the more you draw attention to it,,,,but if you're v conscious, wear a corsage, a thin scarf, a necklace, customise your tshirt wish some haberdashery stuff....
    If fashion has moved forward to accomodate masectomies, ect, then I see no reason why it can't accomodate this. Just requires a bit of lateral thinking! Experiment a bit. See a dress designer for suggestions, look at magazines for inspiration.
    Will you have the port thing longterm, or is it a temporary treatment for your condition?
