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Alcohol problem?

  • 05-07-2010 12:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm really worried that I have an alcohol problem. I'm a 25 year old woman and I actually drank very little up until a few years ago. Through college, I only drank when I went out and could go weeks and weeks without a drop of alcohol passing my lips. In my final year I met my boyfriend and started drinking much more regularly, as we'd have a bottle of wine with meals we cooked at home (once a week) and we'd often meet for a couple of cans after lectures. After graduating, I started drinking a little more but I never felt that I was a heavy drinker until I met my current boyfriend. He drinks loads and I quickly found myself drinking loads as well because it was so easy. We met doing a CELTA course which was stressful and we'd often go to the pub afterwards, and sitting talking for hours, get through 4 or 5 pints. He went to work abroad for 6 months and I visited him for 4 weeks in which we basically ended up drinking every single night - a bottle of wine which was often followed by a few more drinks, or 4-5 bottles of beer. Now he's moved back home, it's calmed down a bit but I'd still on average have 3 drinks (glass of wine/bottle of beer/pint) a few times a week and sitting at home watching a movie, we'd have several drinks. It almost feels like we don't do much together that doesn't involve drinking. I felt like I was drinking a bit much but it wasn't until the doctor said 9 drinks a week was a lot (this in reality would be the minimum I'd drink) that I really thought about it. I rarely binge drink or get drunk so I guess I thought it was fine. How can I get out of the rut of drinking all the time for the sake of it? If we have dinner and have soft drinks, it feels like something is missing.


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    From the sounds of it you're not drinking insane amounts but if you're feeling like something is missing when you don't drink then yeah I would have to say that is a problem:
    It almost feels like we don't do much together that doesn't involve drinking.
    This could be the problem. Do you have a bf or a drinking partner?
