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MA/Msc In Music Technology Class Timetable? / Breakdown Of Contact Hours

  • 02-07-2010 10:20am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19

    Hi I've just been accepted to ul to do the MA/ Msc in music technology starting in september and im just wondering if anybody who did the course last year or anybody who happens to know, could tell me what the breakdown of the week is like in terms of hours and time etc?
    • Basically I want to know how many hours of classes are to be expected per week and how those classes are scheduled over the course of the week.
    • Are there days when you have no classes but are expected to be working on assignments etc?
    • Is there scheduled studio time etc?
    • Also are there mid-term breaks on the masters course or are they just for undergrads?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 David Power

    kabaal wrote: »
    Hi I've just been accepted to ul to do the MA/ Msc in music technology starting in september and im just wondering if anybody who did the course last year or anybody who happens to know, could tell me what the breakdown of the week is like in terms of hours and time etc?
    • Basically I want to know how many hours of classes are to be expected per week and how those classes are scheduled over the course of the week.
    • Are there days when you have no classes but are expected to be working on assignments etc?
    • Is there scheduled studio time etc?
    • Also are there mid-term breaks on the masters course or are they just for undergrads?

    Hello kabaal,

    I guess I'll be seeing you in September, I got the course code and had a look at the online timetables, go here and enter this code and year code: lm341 year: 1.

    I dont know if that's an up to date timetable or not though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 David Power

    Anyone else doing the Music Tech masters? If so come introduce yourself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,260 ✭✭✭swingking

    I might have to miss enrollment. Does anyone know what date that is?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 David Power

    swingking wrote: »
    I might have to miss enrollment. Does anyone know what date that is?

    Hello SwingKing,

    I don't know for sure but I would imagine registration is in the first week of September. Thats only a guess based on my last course so don't take my word for fact. Maybe you could call / email the school? If you do find out could you let me know here?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19 kabaal

    Hello!! Yeh enrolment and registration / orientation is the 31st of august (a tuesday) Just got my information pack yesterday so if you haven't got yours yet they're on the way i would imagine !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 David Power

    kabaal wrote: »
    Hello!! Yeh enrolment and registration / orientation is the 31st of august (a tuesday) Just got my information pack yesterday so if you haven't got yours yet they're on the way i would imagine !

    Thanks for the heads up Kabaal, appreciate it. I'm looking forward to getting into it, so close now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,260 ✭✭✭swingking

    When do lectures start does anyone know ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 42 David Power

    swingking wrote: »
    When do lectures start does anyone know ?

    I don't know for sure but I imagine it's the 6th. Have a look at the academic calendar. link

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16 valencia89

    Considering doing this course next year, would really appreciate if you could give me any info on it. I already have a degree in music, is there alot of maths physics involved? Cheers:)
