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Anyone feel special?

  • 26-06-2010 5:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    I am not a particularly talented guy by any stretch of the imagination. I can do most things well but I can do very few things brilliantly. I have one talent but I will come back to it.

    I have pretty much cruised through life always choosing the easier paths rather than anything which appeared too strenuous to navigate. I have tried starting my own business which failed within 10 weeks, I have tried working my way up the corporate ladder and although I progressed extremely quickly I hit the ceiling after 4 years and eventually got frustrated and somehow started to spiral down the snake and couldn't for the life of me roll a Double 6 after that. So I left that particular position and moved on. I have come up with many 'sure fire' business plans which some people have taken on board and made a success of where as I never seem to succeed at anything I turn my wizen hat to. Thus ends the career chapter.

    I was 3rd in my assessment going into 1st year in my secondary school with a 96% average. Telling me this was a mistake because i rarely need an excuse to choose the easy way, so from there until 6th year I went from top of the class to getting a job 3 weeks after my results. I have always found things easy to comprehend. I have excelled at all facets of the school system. (I once went 17 shows of Are you smarter than a 10yr old without getting a single question wrong). Admittedly, I was a score older but none the less.

    Over the last 3 years I have been realising that I find people very easy to figure out, I can look at someone and tell them exactly what is bothering them or whats on their mind. I have broken down people's whole childhood and adulthood only a few minutes after meeting them. I can sense what's concerning and placating people by a mere glance. I notice more and more people asking for, and taking, my advice. I feel like I am growing into an almost zen like state.

    This life is starting to bore me. I find the mundane repetition of unemployment, day time TV, false people too much to bear. I wish there was a finite point at which we all knew we were going to pass into the next world. I have so many questions that I what answering. And I know that the answers are just not available to me whilst I maintain this fragile host of a body. There has to be a 'something' up there who can help me comprehend infinity. I understand what it means but no human mind can comprehend it. I want to sit on Saturn's rings and watch galaxies pass me by, swoop through a wormhole and find out how other species have survived and see if they have the same evil streak and desire to dominate that humans have. I wonder if they abuse their planet and if they have how did they mother nature respond. Because our Mother Nature is p***ed off. More and more floods happening, more and more earthquakes, oil spills, glaciers melting, the sun cooling, tornadoes. Mother Nature is trying to do what all things do when their home is in jeopardy..... Eliminate the cause!!!!........US. (not the USA, I mean you and me, although the USA could be blamed for most of it) (Bush Snr and his new world order NWO)

    2012 will be interesting won't it. Who here will honestly sit somewhere with a great view of Dublin on Dec 21st 2012 and hope for something fantastical to happen. Would anyone be honestly that bothered if the world did kill us all to save itself? Surely this generation of humans should sacrifice our needs in order to secure the future of the planet for the next?

    Does anyone feel like they are being watched? Which religion offers the greatest spiritual peace? I am gonna try become a buddha cos they sound like they got it sorted. 11 stages with light or enlightenment as the ultimate goal.... sounds just like my cup of G&T. Only problem is buddha's won't kill anything and I f**kin' hate wasps. (not white anglo saxon protestants but the yellow and black things with poison in their ass)

    I think I am special. But I think I am someone who someone else has a plan for. I don't think I can motivate myself to do anything sufficient but other have succeeded from my thoughts and ideas. So am I just a lazy man who lives in a Hazy land or could be part of the transition plans to take us forward?

    Anyone feel special? I would like to talk to you.
    Anyone else feel this way?




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 41 John_Cultane

    There are some things that you say many people will relate to. There are lots of conditions that could relate to how you are feeling and then there is just not having a direction like many people.

    Do you really have insane fantasies or just unrealistic dreams?

    Do you find yourself with massive lows?

    Self diagnoses and web chat not really much use to tell you if this is normal or not. Horrible shocks when you find out something really not right rather than navel gazing

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭Stu

    Wow, the ego has landed. You might be able to read people like a book (doubtful in reality). You are not special but you certainly are conceited, not a nice characteristic in anyone.

    People who "in reality" are special, give a lot more than they receive. You my friend are unemployed and apparently have a lot of time to sit around thinking about how wonderful you are but you haven't given any reason to think you are anything other than a fantasist, sponging off the government while putting yourself on a pedestal.

    Who are all these "false people" that are too much to bear. It must be awful having to deal with such people when you are a far superior human being who has figured life out :rolleyes:

    Seriously, get a grip on yourself, get off your arse, get a job or do some volunteering. Help the homeless or do some advocacy work for somebody "less fortunate" than yourself. Thats a "special" contribution you could make to society rather than sitting around watching Jeremy Kyle all day patting yourself on the back.

    If you genuinly believe your own hype then i would strongly advise you to go and see a psychotherapist and get a psychiatric evaluation. You don't sound like the full shilling, no offence meant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Stu wrote: »
    Wow, the ego has landed. You might be able to read people like a book (doubtful in reality). You are not special but you certainly are conceited, not a nice characteristic in anyone.

    People who "in reality" are special, give a lot more than they receive. You my friend are unemployed and apparently have a lot of time to sit around thinking about how wonderful you are but you haven't given any reason to think you are anything other than a fantasist, sponging off the government while putting yourself on a pedestal.

    Who are all these "false people" that are too much to bear. It must be awful having to deal with such people when you are a far superior human being who has figured life out :rolleyes:

    Seriously, get a grip on yourself, get off your arse, get a job or do some volunteering. Help the homeless or do some advocacy work for somebody less fortunate than yourself. Thats a "special" contribution you could make to society rather than sitting around watching Jeremy Kyle all day patting yourself on the back.

    If you genuinly believe your own hype then i would strongly advise you to go and see a psychotherapist and get a psychiatric evaluation. You don't sound like the full shilling, no offence meant.

    I don't think the OP is conceited at all. He began his post by stating he does not feel he
    is "particularly talented" Perhaps he does not feel challenged or has people within his own
    social circle he can relate too. I certainly don't feel the OP displays an elitist attitude. I
    can relate to certain elements I feel quite bored by my college course, felt similarly throughout school. I thoroughly enjoy what I do but it doesn't challenge me or ask me to
    question, I also find people quite easy to read, perhaps the OP needs more mental stimulation, It's perfectly normal to question and under no circumstances does it sound like
    he needs a psychiatric evaluation, Often people with a higher intelligence level are misunderstood. Good luck OP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 202 ✭✭needhelpguy

    I would consider speaking to a doctor about how you feel. What you've written has all the characteristics of some kind of disorder, maybe bi-polar. Do you get awful low moods as well as this mood you are in now?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,255 ✭✭✭✭Esoteric_

    Without being a total bitch, I find it hard to believe that you excelled in everything in school, when your grammar is pretty bad in your post.

    Sounds to me like you may want to talk to a doctor. It's not "normal" to cruise through life not giving a **** enough to make any effort with anything and to have such thoughts as you do. I mean, it's great that you believe you're special and there's some master plan for you, don't get me wrong. More people should feel special and have the self esteem that you appear to have, but a lot of what you said came across as slightly manic or psychotic. I'm no doctor, but I'd really encourage you to speak to one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,127 ✭✭✭kjl

    My advice to you is put down the bong dude.

    Marijuana can give you a very high self worth, when in reality you are just some lazy bum sitting on the couch watching Jeremy Kyle. You failed in your career and you failed in business and now you want to think that you are sooo much better than everyone else so you can live with yourself without even trying.

    I'm sure its easy to read people, 90% of people are quit open about their problems and given a small bit of incite its easy to do a cold reading. charlatans and scam artists do the same thing. Perhaps you could start a tarot card reading business :rolleyes:

    You need to get up off your arse and grow up. You claim that you are the all knowing second coming of Christ or whatever, but your post reads like an immature ignorant piece of Sh!t who most people wouldn't have time for. Sort yourself out and do something with you life instead of dreaming of sitting on saturn's rings (Which if you were so smart you would realise is impossible.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,819 ✭✭✭dan_d

    Careful OP. People will always surprise you when you least expect it. I'd be of a mind that I can get a pretty good read on people fast enough and yet they still surprise me no end.

    I have no idea what you're talking about with regards to school. You got 96% in your assessment?? ie an entrance exam? Big deal. Doesn't mean anything. 2 people did better than you...did they go around sounding like you?

    You say Mother Nature is destroying the planet. Yes she is. She's trying to eliminate the cause, ie us. What you haven't realised is that human's are incredibly resiliant. History shows us that. There's a way around/through everything.Short of simultaneous earth shattering events, in every place at the same time, it's not going to be that simple. While you write off human beings as uninteresting and worthless you ignore some of their best traits.

    Really great people are humble. You, my friend, are not. Which means that regardless of how intelligent you think you are, you have a major fault..arrogance. Which in turn blinds you to many, many things in life.And you don't seem to even realise it.

    Go away and spend some time growing up and getting to know yourself and others a bit better. You might find someone you like better than yourself out there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,126 ✭✭✭✭calex71

    My spidytroll-senses are tingling :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 159 ✭✭Smallbit

    Before you make any seriously life changing decisions, I recommend you see your GP for a referral.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    If you have an issue with a post report it and do not give medical advice.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    So what if the OP feels special, why not! I don't get this oirish urge to vehemently, and I can see this from the responses, vehmently put someone down just because they're precocious. I mean the rage from some of the posts speaks volumes about the posters themselves.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,488 ✭✭✭Denerick

    OP - chances are that what you think you know about a person after a single glance is wrong. You have no idea about the formative events that made the person standing before you. You have no idea of the trials and tribulations their lives have brought them, the utter and infinite complexity that lies within every person. You may have mastered the art of dissecting the superficial, but like us all, you are incapable of penetrating anothers emotional depths. I doubt anyone can really know how a person perceives the world other than that person.

    As for the conspiracy theory stuff. Sure.

    I think in your case, embracing more doubt and letting go of more certainty will leave you a better rounded, more intellectually curious and generally more happy person. Even the masters of mystic prose (Patrick Kavanagh among them) knew fine well how little they actually knew about the world around them. And with this knowledge comes wisdom.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    First fair play for having the balls to setup a business.
    However it failed.
    And then you failed in your career or if you didn't fail you didn't stick it out

    Right now you are unemployed and watching rubbish on TV.
    Apply your amazing abilities to get a job and then you can do any night course that you want to do.

    You may have cruised through school and college, so did I but I'm lazy and always procrastinating and I'm trying to improve myself. :o
    What I don't do is look down on others, I'd admire somebody more for working hard and overcoming their own life situations.
    Who are you to look at someone and judge them?

    Go see a GP and tell them what you've told us.
    Then either work at your own business or try to get back working, I know it's tough but should be no issue for you....

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I hang my head in shame when I read this post, because that's exactly what I sounded like when I was 19 or 20. I achieved nothing but I thought I was some kind genius (alright, I'm smart enough, but a terrible underachiever), thought I could read people like Ladybird books and was quite sure I wasn't meant for this mundane life, this ordinary world. I just didn't relate to my friends and family, from what I percieved to be my superiority.

    Granted I was very ill at the time, psychologically, but looking back all I can see is what a terrible childish ass I was being. And life got a whole lot better when I took my place down here with all us real folk in what is, whether you like it or not, the real world. I still don't relate too well to people, but I found out that's cause I'm slightly socially inept and a little bit weird.

  • Registered Users Posts: 181 ✭✭The Munky


    The OP made a statement about reading people with a glance and many people replied stating it was impossible. yet everyone seems to have an opinion on him/her straight off the bat. Some experts even medically evaluated the OP :rolleyes: The OP made a statement about feeling special and that also was slated. Yet, what is wrong with feeling special. Whats wrong with believing we are a reincarnation of something greater than us........ For all the nay-sayers: Thats what Catholicism is based on isn't it?

    Conceited? you obviously forget their opening statement pretty quickly.

    I have to say that this post is actually thought provoking as opposed to 'trolling'.
    I would love the OP to get back on here to defend themselves because yes, they might a bong short of an ounce but they could also be very interesting to chat to.

    Let them have their say and discuss what's mentioned in an open minded fashion because Any fool can criticise and most fools do

    OP - keep me a seat on saturn's rings regardless of their properties.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Cullen82

    Ha interesting post and trail of thought OP

    IMO some of the response here are a bit nasty, I don't see why some people are clearly taking this so personally - as someone pointed out already it says more about the posters than the OP.

    On the other hand I was waiting for something "great" in your post, I mean you started your own Business (so did I), You worked your way up a Corporate ladder (so did I!) you went to school (so did I, granted I was a fairly average student), You feel you're exceptionally good at working people out - well who does'nt .....Don't mean to sound harsh but this all sounds quite ordinary!!

    eg. Tell me you left home with fifty quid in your back pocket and managed to sail around the world - Maybe that's something you'd consider more worthy of "special"

    C'mon tell us more, Don't abandon your thread :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,236 ✭✭✭Sanjuro

    The Munky wrote: »

    The OP made a statement about reading people with a glance and many people replied stating it was impossible. yet everyone seems to have an opinion on him/her straight off the bat. Some experts even medically evaluated the OP :rolleyes: The OP made a statement about feeling special and that also was slated. Yet, what is wrong with feeling special. Whats wrong with believing we are a reincarnation of something greater than us........ For all the nay-sayers: Thats what Catholicism is based on isn't it?
    I have a feeling most people have a problem with the tone of the original post. Which I myself have the feeling is a troll. However, taking it at face value, there is a distinct sense of superiority complex in it, and I think that's what most people have the problem with. Your point about medical experts evaluating the OP is spurious at best. I don't think many medical experts outside the third reich would ever make the assertion that somebody is superior than another. Healthier, maybe. But superior? No.

    And no. Catholicism is not based on reincarnation in any form. But I assume this is a case of semantics, so I wont go any further with that point.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭Stu

    Most people feel underwhelmed and de-motivated from time to time. I'm sure many people have worked in jobs that were beneath them or had to deal with people who they wouldn't give the time of day to outside of the workplace. We all question our place in this world and i for one often wonder what my true purpose is in life but i live in the real world and while i ponder lifes mysteries, i live a normal life and do my best everyday to be a decent person but i also prefer to call a spade a spade.

    The fact that the OP feels special yet has a failed business shows the sort of arrogance that most people find unpleasant. He hasn't given any reason for us to believe he is a notch up from the rest of us mere mortals. He sits around all day watching daytime TV and talks about "false people", sorry but he doesn't sound like somebody who is in touch with reality.

    I once knew a guy who was a gifted artist. He spent all day getting stoned and every now and again he would put his talent to use and come up with a fantastic painting. He genuinly beieved he was so gifted both intellectualy and artistically that working for a living was beneath him, so he smoked hash all day while collecting his dole. I think he thought that some famous art agent was going to knock on his door and pay him a fortune to produce paintings. Like the OP, this guy was deluded and last i heard he is still on the dole and has been for many years.

    Unless you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth you have to work hard in "this life" if you want to reach your full potential and live a productive life. The OP is a lazy dreamer and may also have mental health issues that need to addressed. Thats my take on it, just calling a spade a spade.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭IzzyWizzy

    Hi All,

    I am not a particularly talented guy by any stretch of the imagination. I can do most things well but I can do very few things brilliantly. I have one talent but I will come back to it.

    I have pretty much cruised through life always choosing the easier paths rather than anything which appeared too strenuous to navigate. I have tried starting my own business which failed within 10 weeks, I have tried working my way up the corporate ladder and although I progressed extremely quickly I hit the ceiling after 4 years and eventually got frustrated and somehow started to spiral down the snake and couldn't for the life of me roll a Double 6 after that. So I left that particular position and moved on. I have come up with many 'sure fire' business plans which some people have taken on board and made a success of where as I never seem to succeed at anything I turn my wizen hat to. Thus ends the career chapter.

    Not unusual. It's fairly normal to choose the easy path even when you're capable of more. Few people live up to their potential.
    I was 3rd in my assessment going into 1st year in my secondary school with a 96% average. Telling me this was a mistake because i rarely need an excuse to choose the easy way, so from there until 6th year I went from top of the class to getting a job 3 weeks after my results. I have always found things easy to comprehend. I have excelled at all facets of the school system. (I once went 17 shows of Are you smarter than a 10yr old without getting a single question wrong). Admittedly, I was a score older but none the less.

    Lots of people are smart. It's what you do with it that counts.
    Over the last 3 years I have been realising that I find people very easy to figure out, I can look at someone and tell them exactly what is bothering them or whats on their mind. I have broken down people's whole childhood and adulthood only a few minutes after meeting them. I can sense what's concerning and placating people by a mere glance. I notice more and more people asking for, and taking, my advice. I feel like I am growing into an almost zen like state.

    I'm sorry, this is where you're totally wrong. There's nothing more annoying than someone who thinks they understand you. I've had people like you tell me things and they have all been waaay, way off the mark. You don't know what's gone on in anyone's life. You have no way of knowing. You don't know what their parents were like, whether they were abused, you don't know what health problems could be on someone's mind. There's just no WAY you can know that. People are complex. It takes counsellors many sessions to start to have an idea of the problems people have. When people tell me what's on my mind, I laugh in their face because it's always so simplistic.
    This life is starting to bore me. I find the mundane repetition of unemployment, day time TV, false people too much to bear. I wish there was a finite point at which we all knew we were going to pass into the next world. I have so many questions that I what answering. And I know that the answers are just not available to me whilst I maintain this fragile host of a body. There has to be a 'something' up there who can help me comprehend infinity. I understand what it means but no human mind can comprehend it. I want to sit on Saturn's rings and watch galaxies pass me by, swoop through a wormhole and find out how other species have survived and see if they have the same evil streak and desire to dominate that humans have. I wonder if they abuse their planet and if they have how did they mother nature respond. Because our Mother Nature is p***ed off. More and more floods happening, more and more earthquakes, oil spills, glaciers melting, the sun cooling, tornadoes. Mother Nature is trying to do what all things do when their home is in jeopardy..... Eliminate the cause!!!!........US. (not the USA, I mean you and me, although the USA could be blamed for most of it) (Bush Snr and his new world order NWO)

    Well, you can't sit on Saturn's rings or swoop through a wormhole so why not focus on doing something with your life?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Well now,

    I was not expecting anything like the response that the post has generated,

    I feel a little let down by the general tone of the replies. Most people so far to think I have a superiority complex and ironically immediately begin to look down their noses at what I had to say. That is a typically Irish thing to do. "Oh, I don't understand what this guy means so f**K him, he must be some arrogant fool who spends all chatting hyperbole x"

    And the comment about getting 96% average being unlikely due to grammatical mistakes in this post was hilarious.

    The point of the post was not to start an attack on me but find out if other people ever felt the same. If other people wondered more about death than life, if people wondered about the fragility of human kind, if people wondered about the reasons for just 'being'..... No one is called a 'human doing'.........

    I was trying to set the tone about what I have gone through and where I am right now and more importantly what occupies my thoughts. I am not lazy, I do charity work and I am genuinely a good person but I am merely perplexed by many questions that cannot be answered by mortals. Is that a bad thing?

    Is it a bad thing to think about this stuff? Would the posters who replied much rather if I purely thought about mortgages, bills, weekends drinking etc etc normal life? Well I don't!!!! Sorry but thats just not me. So, you may throw your 'insightful' character slights all day if you want, criticise me and diagnose me........ Its easy to who want to be when you don't have to look the person in their eye....Easy to sound all mighty and all knowing when you don't have justify your opinion.
    Me on the hand - I don't care what you all think because you have no effect on me, my life and my destiny.
    But the questions I asked still remain..... anyone care to try?

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  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    If other people wondered more about death than life, if people wondered about the fragility of human kind, if people wondered about the reasons for just 'being'..... No one is called a 'human doing'.........

    Yeah, I went through about 4 years of this kind of thought. It completely dominated my life, the pondering and wondering. I don't think I ever came to any conclusion.... though I did come to believe in God during that time which perhaps sorted a few of those questions for me. That, or I may have simply lost interest. I go through a lot of very passionate phases. So I know where you're coming from with this, glad you came back an clarified what you really intended to put across.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Cullen82

    Just so you know I half defended your original post but again there seems to be another flaw in your posting on goes as so......
    Its easy to who want to be when you don't have to look the person in their eye....Easy to sound all mighty and all knowing when you don't have justify your opinion.
    Me on the hand - I don't care what you all think because you have no effect on me, my life and my destiny.

    If the above were true, Why are you posting this anonymously ?

    By the way personally I'm not in the humour for writing a long winded answer to your questions (Although I am interested in the subject), I'd rather save the effort for when I'm talking to someone.....the easy option;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    If the above were true, Why are you posting this anonymously ?

    Well you see, what I had posted originally had nothing to with defending myself as I didnt know, at the time, that I would have to.... Hence the anonymous post......

    I what to spark a conversation not a discussion on whether or not you lot think I am of sound mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,127 ✭✭✭kjl

    Well now,

    I was not expecting anything like the response that the post has generated,

    I feel a little let down by the general tone of the replies. Most people so far to think I have a superiority complex and ironically immediately begin to look down their noses at what I had to say. That is a typically Irish thing to do. "Oh, I don't understand what this guy means so f**K him, he must be some arrogant fool who spends all chatting hyperbole x"

    And the comment about getting 96% average being unlikely due to grammatical mistakes in this post was hilarious.

    The point of the post was not to start an attack on me but find out if other people ever felt the same. If other people wondered more about death than life, if people wondered about the fragility of human kind, if people wondered about the reasons for just 'being'..... No one is called a 'human doing'.........

    I was trying to set the tone about what I have gone through and where I am right now and more importantly what occupies my thoughts. I am not lazy, I do charity work and I am genuinely a good person but I am merely perplexed by many questions that cannot be answered by mortals. Is that a bad thing?

    Is it a bad thing to think about this stuff? Would the posters who replied much rather if I purely thought about mortgages, bills, weekends drinking etc etc normal life? Well I don't!!!! Sorry but thats just not me. So, you may throw your 'insightful' character slights all day if you want, criticise me and diagnose me........ Its easy to who want to be when you don't have to look the person in their eye....Easy to sound all mighty and all knowing when you don't have justify your opinion.
    Me on the hand - I don't care what you all think because you have no effect on me, my life and my destiny.
    But the questions I asked still remain..... anyone care to try?

    There is a whole discipline dedicated to this, its called philosophy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,981 ✭✭✭[-0-]

    Not to be pedantic...actually I am being pedantic. The sun isn't cooling - it's heating up.

    You need to find what you want in life, what makes you happy. You're definitely not in a zen like state because that would require absoliving the ego, which you clearly have not done.

    Save your dole for a bit and go spend some time in a Buddhist temple in Asia. You might find yourself....just leave the ego and home please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I was once asking the same questions before I found the path I was meant to go on, so I believe I found this thread for a reason.

    I want to help you find your way....I will not tell you anything to believe. I will tell you things and it is up to you then to decide what is true and what is not.
    You have a right 'not to know', if that makes any sense. You have to find these things out for yourself.

    But you are asking the right questions, and I can tell that you are getting far along the path,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Apply your ability to get off the dole

    And since you are interested in this area, Open University run courses and it's a fantastic organization
    Do this or some night course when you start working

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Apply your ability to get off the dole

    And since you are interested in this area, Open University run courses and it's a fantastic organization
    Do this or some night course when you start working

    I think you are all being incredibly harsh, Isn't it natural to question? How do we evolve
    or learn, How many people have been unfortunate in business, It doesn't determine their
    level of intelligence. OP I think you need to meet some like minded people where you can
    discuss your thoughts/views in a subjective manner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 98 ✭✭going un-reg

    Hey OP,

    I wasnt surprized in the slightest with the amount of negative replies you'd get to such a post, its just the Irish mentality, one of the most conservative countries that I know of, but anyway.

    I often believe or have believed many of your thoughts, we think quite similiarly to be honest.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Hey OP,

    I wasnt surprized in the slightest with the amount of negative replies you'd get to such a post, its just the Irish mentality, one of the most conservative countries that I know of, but anyway.
    I don't think any country in the world would hold much truck with a person who has admitted he/she looks down his/her nose at most of the world's population. For someone who says they know and can read people very well, the OP seemed to be very surprised that he/she got a lot of people's backs up!
