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[PR] Designing an Integrated Map of a Visionary Public Transport Network‏

  • 13-06-2010 11:47pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78,607 ✭✭✭✭

    Note that this is a design exercise, not a transport panning exercise. the rest of hte website is due to go up over the nest few days.


    What would Dublin’s public transport system look like, if the shelf full of unimplemented reviews and reports were finally carried out?

    Public exhibition of a collaboration between Graphic Design MA graduate Aris Venetikidis on public transport maps and James Leahy presenting a visionary public transport network for Dublin.

    12. June - 20. June 2010 daily:
    Aris Venetikidis public transport maps and information panels will be on display at this year's NCAD Graduate Exhibition from 12 -20. June 2010. Entrance to the degree show is free and the show is open from 10:00-17:00 on Saturdays, 12:00-17:00 on Sundays and 10:00-20:00 on weekdays. (National College of Art & Design, School of Design Building, Ground Floor, 100 Thomas Street, Dublin 8)

    Please circulate to others who may be interested.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 577 ✭✭✭Typewriter

    Looks good but confusing as hell.

    Luas green ending at pearse?

    DARTu but no metro?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 637 ✭✭✭noelfirl

    The author doesn't appear to believe in the merit of Metro North, which is fine, but I don't quite see how he expects so much roadspace (and some underground tunnels as well, by the looks of it) to be gifted for BRT. None the less, both maps are schematically beautiful, and reasonably easy to follow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,468 ✭✭✭BluntGuy

    The most interesting innovations or idea are definiely the bus route ones with underground sections. It certainly won't be happening anytime soon, but that's one avenue that should be explored.

    As far as I know subterranean road has been suggested for the college green in the new Dublin Civic Trust report, but I can't find the bleedin' thing anywhere either for purchase or download.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,260 ✭✭✭Pete_Cavan

    I've read a lot about luas extensions but never saw anything to do with extending the green line to Pearse Street Station via Merrion Square, is this a serious proposal or just something the guy who drew the map came up with?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,419 ✭✭✭Cool Mo D

    Pete_Cavan wrote: »
    I've read a lot about luas extensions but never saw anything to do with extending the green line to Pearse Street Station via Merrion Square, is this a serious proposal or just something the guy who drew the map came up with?

    It was seriously proposed: see the original route options for the Luas link between red and green here.

    Although, if they were going to link up that way, it might have been better to run via Tara street to terminate in Connolly, rather than sending it down Pearse street and over O'Connell bridge - it's a long detour.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Carawaystick

    Surely linking Rush and Lusk to Rush and Lusk by a dedicated bus service or Lissenhall to Donabate is a better use of scarce resources than two parallel routes from Yellow walls to Swords?

    Not linking Ashbourne to Swords?

    Not linking Hazelhatch to Maynooth or Leixlip

    A route North/South crossing the Phoenix but not East/West?

    Is there not going to be another station between Heuston and Christchurch?

    There's still a lack of routes crossing the Liffey

    There's surely a gap in the rail line between Connolly and Drumcondra

    Orbital 3 should be inside or touching Orbital 4, not crossing it.

    Naas, Sallins, Cellbridge, Kill, and the N7 corridor should have some link - Everything the same distance from an Lár to Balbriggan should be on the same system and fare structure

    No link along Cork st to Dolphin's Barn an Longmile?

    I'd change the routing from Heyetsbury and Bride st's to Camden/Wexford/Aungier/South Great Georges St

    Routes B&Y have a low bridge to contend with- surely making a contraflow buslane on Pearse St from Lombard to Sandwith st would be easier

    I'd add in pedestrian access to cross university of Dublin from north to south as well as a public transit route.

    overall it's a good set of map's but obviously pie in the sky stuff

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,676 ✭✭✭✭MJohnston

    I think you've all missed the point, or maybe have, its actually just about the design of the maps, not their actual content? In which case, it looks really quite nice. I really like the idea behind the naming convention on the bus routes too, something very cool.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 770 ✭✭✭Jayuu

    MJohnston wrote: »
    I think you've all missed the point, or maybe have, its actually just about the design of the maps, not their actual content? In which case, it looks really quite nice. I really like the idea behind the naming convention on the bus routes too, something very cool.

    LOL - just goes to show how people differ. I think the naming convention for the bus routes is awful. But I like the maps very much. And actually if we had a rapid transit network like this I'd probably live with these names! ;)

    Just noticed one small issue with overall map where the legend has the airport symbol beside the Orbital 2 line when it should be beside the Orbital 3 line.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭Carawaystick

    MJohnston wrote: »
    I think you've all missed the point, or maybe have, its actually just about the design of the maps, not their actual content? In which case, it looks really quite nice. I really like the idea behind the naming convention on the bus routes too, something very cool.

    map design's been done before - hardly something worthy of a postgraduate award in this day and age.

    Why not take the Metropolitan or the Underground maps- they look really nice too.
    I'm sure if DB gave a sh1te they could make their crap service look nice too.
