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Online poker store gadgets

  • 17-05-2010 4:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭

    I'm looking to get a few gadgets together such as a laptop (in particular I want a laptop), ipod, WII etc. and since I'll probably receive an earful from the missus if I use cash - I thought instead if I use poker points to get the goodies it'll be my way around it :p.

    Anyway anyone know of any poker sites with a wide range of goods - as the ones I play mostly on either have no stores or are a bit limited, for instance Full Tilt has laptops available for the US Marker but not for their European clientele. Victor Chandler claims to have a wide range of stuff but I can't view their stuff unless I sign up with them :confused:

    Edit: For anyone interested I've just found Mansion poker seem to have a pretty comprehensive store

