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how to search for a specifici file type on a specific drive

  • 08-05-2010 7:31am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭

    hey gang

    hope all is well, hope the the wweather is nice where you are too.

    i have a macbook running leopard, and im trying to search for music files only on my external HD, from what i can see spotlight, is only good for a general search, and doesnt allow you to search specific drives, or look for files of a certain filetype, either on a specific drive, or on any drive that is connected.

    i basically, just wanna be able to find all my music on my HD, and have it in one long list, because, my music is not in one neat folder on the hD, its absolutely all over the place, mixed in with photos, word docs, you name it!

    any help on this one would be great.

    thanks again,


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,731 ✭✭✭Type 17

    Open a window of the drive in question and type CMD+F

    You'll get a search function in the top of the window - set the Kind to Music and ensure that the correct drive is chosen, and you should see all the music in the window below.

    You can then save that search...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭eurotrotter

    Type 17 wrote: »
    Open a window of the drive in question and type CMD+F

    You'll get a search function in the top of the window - set the Kind to Music and ensure that the correct drive is chosen, and you should see all the music in the window below.

    You can then save that search...

    thanks very much, just what i was looking for!!
