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Jealous or envious?

  • 02-05-2010 11:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    I have been thinking about things and catching up with old friends and realised I am slightly jealous of their happy go lucky lives. I am very happy as it is, don't get me wrong, but hearing their stories of babies and marriage and buying homes with their partners made me think that I think it's what I also wish for in life but i never fully accepted that trail of thought and now I am a 29 year old female and I genuinely feel like the happy and settling down side of life is not going to happen to me and I am envious of my friends and not knowing what i could do as i have a great social circle but meeting a man is just not something that is happening for me. as i say, i am happy with my life, just a little envious of those who have what i do not. :D


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,131 ✭✭✭MissHoneyBun

    Sure half of them are probably looking at you and envying your life! It's just human nature, grass is always greener and all that. And it's just a fact of life that there are always gonna be people who have more and less than you so why beat yourself up over it? You could easily be married with children in two or three years time if that's what you want. And if it is what you want, you should try to make it happen for yourself. Life is definitely too short to sit back and leave things to chance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,813 ✭✭✭PhysiologyRocks

    Just remember that it's real life. Children can be difficult. Marriages can be difficult. It's not a happy ending they have as such. It's more of a continuing arrangement/circumstance with real challenges. (I'm not saying this to be patronising or put you off, just trying to put their situation into perspective).

    If it's something you want, statistically you are very, very likely to get it. Many couples I know weren't together at 29 and now have children. Whatever you do, don't settle for a man who's not right (again, not suggesting you would, but I've seen it happen) just because you want children/company.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,319 ✭✭✭miss5

    You have plenty of time yet, your only 29 and if you want marraige and babies
    I'm sure it will happen. Be happy for your friends and focus on yourself.
