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Spare a thought for...

  • 02-05-2010 7:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Perhaps it's the death of GR. I dunno what it is.
    I'm a woman in her 40s who is parenting alone. He left. Ill say no more here. Im parenting alone with two young children and you have no idea how much of a lifeline GR was for me.
    But this isn't an rip thread. I just want to ask you all to think of women like me. Women who have th lonliest job in the world. Sunday's in particular are particularly lonely for me. All around me, my pals are having 'family days'. I'm not part of that. They try to include me, but ultimately, it's 10 couples, and me, and my two kids.
    I dont know what I'm trying to say here. But please reach out and try to include women and children like me and my children, in your lives. Life is too short. It's another sunday night, they are tucked up now and I'll be in bed within the hour. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I know how lucky I am to have my children. I adore them, and would not be here without them. But life is short..please don't overlook women like me because you think we are 'getting on with our lives'...or you think that 'life takes over'....we all use excuses like that (me included) include me...include us...apolgies if this thread appears a 'pity me' thread, its not my intention. It's just my 'life is too short' thread..take care of yourselves..


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,277 ✭✭✭poisonated

    I don't think it is coming across as self pity. I agree, it is something 2 keep in mind which I shall do in the future. You are lucky though. You have friends who care about you and you have 2 loving kids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Dear OP, I hear you. Last night I red this article (hope posting a link is allowed)
    and I was in tears thinking: it's not just the separated/divorced men who are lonely, it is also the women.
    That's my life to some extent. I might have just met some friends for coffee or dinner, and than I am coming home and there is nobody there. I am single and with no kids, Sunday is the loneliest day for me also. Most Sundays are fine, as I try to find something to do, but others are not. Friends are all spending days as a couple, or with their parents and siblings. It's hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Hey op, I have been there and I know its not easy at all, it can be a very lonely experience.

    The only advice I can offer here is that your friends ask you and your children on these 'family days' because they want you to be there, all three of you, and the more times you don't attend, the less they will ask you, as they will be thinking you are 'getting on' with your life, and you may become more lonely.... vicious circle...

    Its not easy, its bloody difficult, but try and get out with your friends, this will increase your chances of meeting a friend in a similar situation perhaps?

    I hope everything works out for you and your children.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,339 ✭✭✭tenchi-fan

    Op I know how lonely you must feel.. spare a thought for women in your position who don't have kids!
    My advice is to let your kids join youth clubs and get involved yourself - try to meet other people in your position.
    You might also try getting back into the dating game.
    Your future will be even lonelier if you put your life on hold until your kids grow up.. so try to work a social life around your kids

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Thanks for the replies guys - I was feeling particularly low when I wrote that yesterday. I think I have hated sundays most of my life to be honest...I find them worst this past 6 months though. Friends do include me in their family days, and nine times out of ten, I go along, but I still come home to four walls once the kids are tucked up. For those of you who feel like I did last night, and have no kids, get out of the house!! I'm trapped here once the clock hits 8, cant get out for a pint of milk, can't go for a walk. If I had no kids, I'd be out walking..anywhere..even if other friends were doing their own thing, I'd be out trying to connect with people.
    I do hope to start dating again at some point in my life - I have a few things coming up this year with the kids and apart from financial pressure, emotionally I wouldn't be up for it.
    Thanks moods improving now that sunday has gone again!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I was recently at a reunion of sorts. I was the only single person at it and the only one who had not experienced pregnancy or having children.
    I commented jokingly about all the diamonds that everyone had - as in their rings - and how I must buy myself some or I'll be sad. I genuinely was making fun as I am relatively very happy with my life.
    One person commented that if half the others that were there were honest that they would be taking off their rings and f**king them at there husbands telling them to go to hell - perhaps a reflection of how she is in her relationship at present.
    Also recently I met a friend of mine and they commented on how they are sick of single friends commenting on how she has intimacy/sex/companionship - or whatever way you want to phrase it - on tap and commented that just because two people are together or married does not mean either or both are happy.
    I know where you are coming from OP but just thought I'd add this for perspective.
