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Anyway of getting songs as ringtones?

  • 13-04-2010 7:45pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 197 ✭✭

    Finally took the plunge and got myself an iPhone. Playing around with it and I'm just wondering is there anyway of settin songs from my iTunes as ringtones or is there some sort of convertor that I need to download to change the format of the songs?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭guil

    pick a song, right click and select get info, go to options-the ringtone can only be 30 seconds long so choose the start and end points accordingly, click ok and make sure the start and stop time boxes are ticked aswell
    right click it again and create aac version, drag and drop the new song to ur desktop
    delete it from itunes but choose to keep the files, right click the song on the desktop and rename it, put .m4r instead of .m4a
    press enter and then play it in itunes, it will be added as a ringtone when ya sync again

    if ya dont see an option to create aac version, go to preferences and click import settings under the general tab, set it to import as aac

    make sure ya go back and edit the original song again, just untick the start and stop boxes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,763 ✭✭✭Jax Teller

    Download iringer way easier then the above

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 AHHHHH

    guil wrote: »
    delete it from itunes but choose to keep the files, right click the song on the desktop and rename it, put .m4r instead of .m4a
    press enter and then play it in itunes, it will be added as a ringtone when ya sync again


    Could you please help me! When I paste the file onto the desktop, it is not allowing me to change it from .m4a to .m4r. Its just the name of the song that comes up, how do I change this?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 40 MysNthR0p3

    AHHHHH wrote: »

    Could you please help me! When I paste the file onto the desktop, it is not allowing me to change it from .m4a to .m4r. Its just the name of the song that comes up, how do I change this?

    Thanks for your help!

    You need to ensure your file extensions are not hidden

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,739 ✭✭✭Stuxnet

    AHHHHH wrote: »

    Could you please help me! When I paste the file onto the desktop, it is not allowing me to change it from .m4a to .m4r. Its just the name of the song that comes up, how do I change this?

    Thanks for your help!
    rightclick the song, and hit "rename" towhatever.m4a hit enter

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,382 ✭✭✭O2_Daryll

    Audiko should be able to help you out

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 AHHHHH

    Great, thanks a million!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 197 ✭✭costacurta

    guil wrote: »
    pick a song, right click and select get info, go to options-the ringtone can only be 30 seconds long so choose the start and end points accordingly, click ok and make sure the start and stop time boxes are ticked aswell
    right click it again and create aac version, drag and drop the new song to ur desktop
    delete it from itunes but choose to keep the files, right click the song on the desktop and rename it, put .m4r instead of .m4a
    press enter and then play it in itunes, it will be added as a ringtone when ya sync again

    if ya dont see an option to create aac version, go to preferences and click import settings under the general tab, set it to import as aac

    make sure ya go back and edit the original song again, just untick the start and stop boxes

    When i right click i dont have the option to create aac version still after doing as you suggest with the preferances menu, is there any other advice you have or tips

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 15,279 Mod ✭✭✭✭whiterebel

    costacurta wrote: »
    When i right click i dont have the option to create aac version still after doing as you suggest with the preferances menu, is there any other advice you have or tips

    Highlight the song in the library, and go up to advanced in the menu bar.. There you should have the option to create AAC version. Set your sorting in the library to "date added" for the latest songs to be added, and your latest one should be the AAC version.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,763 ✭✭✭Jax Teller

    Lads seriously try iringer it's free , all u do is pick when ya want in the song to be the ringtone an press import an it's sent to iTunes
    edit - for windows only i believe as the smart alec pointed out below

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 15,279 Mod ✭✭✭✭whiterebel

    Lads seriously try iringer it's free , all u do is pick when ya want in the song to be the ringtone an press import an it's sent to iTunes

    Might be a Mac user like me?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 213 ✭✭blacknight83

    whiterebel wrote: »
    Might be a Mac user like me?

    try garageband, you just select a sample for 30 secs then import ringtone to itunes

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,686 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Sorry to resurrect the thread guys, but I've just got my iphone 3GS today, have done all the steps above, and have the ringtone showing in ringtones on "My iPhone" in my itunes, but when I sync with the iphone, nothing happens; it doesn't actually show up in my ringtones on the phone itself?? (Actually, I just realised that on the iphone its in the ipod library as a 30-second long song...! Even though the 30-second file it has synced from was in the "ringtones" folder in my itunes!?)

    I even gave up and downloaded a ringtone from itunes, but that one is gone into the library as a music file... can someone shed some light on all of this for me please, I'm reaching the pulling my hair out stage now..!? :( wouldn't be so bad if all the pre-programmed ringtones weren't all sh1te!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭guil

    Make sure ya have sync ringtones checked.
    In iTunes click on the iPhone and look for the ringtone tab

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,581 ✭✭✭Deep Thought

    As Daryl said, go to

    The have pre made ringtones that you just download and drag into itunes

    Like wise they allow you to upload you own tunes and it converts them for you and again you save it and drag into itunes.

    The narrower a man’s mind, the broader his statements.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,117 ✭✭✭✭Leiva

    Ah lads you cant beat .

    It lets you convert any youtube video (music , vids , sounds ) into a ringtone for free.

    The GUI is great and so user friendly . 10/10 from me :)



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 266 ✭✭Damian Duffy

    Sorry to resurrect the thread guys, but I've just got my iphone 3GS today, have done all the steps above, and have the ringtone showing in ringtones on "My iPhone" in my itunes, but when I sync with the iphone, nothing happens; it doesn't actually show up in my ringtones on the phone itself?? (Actually, I just realised that on the iphone its in the ipod library as a 30-second long song...! Even though the 30-second file it has synced from was in the "ringtones" folder in my itunes!?)

    I even gave up and downloaded a ringtone from itunes, but that one is gone into the library as a music file... can someone shed some light on all of this for me please, I'm reaching the pulling my hair out stage now..!? :( wouldn't be so bad if all the pre-programmed ringtones weren't all sh1te!

    Your definitely not doing it right. It's very simple, once you get the hang of it. You obviously have not changed the song you wanted as a ringtone back to it's original version and length.

    1. Select song, right click and select 'get info'.
    2. Change the length of the song to less than 40 seconds, it cant be longer.
    3. From the 'Adavnced' button at the top of the iTunes page select 'create aac version'.
    4. Right click on the aac version and 'open in finder' if your using a mac or 'My Documents' on windows. Once opened, right click and change the file type to m4r.
    5. I then go back to iTunes and delete the aac version I created and also change the length of the song back to what it was previously.
    6. I drag the m4r ringtone file from it's folder into the ringtones section of iTunes.
    7. Sync and away I go.

    Don't know about downloading a ringtone legally from iTunes so can't help you there. I imagine they are **** and paying for a ringtone is ridiculous.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,071 ✭✭✭thecivvie

    Szondi wrote: »
    As Daryl said, go to

    The have pre made ringtones that you just download and drag into itunes

    Like wise they allow you to upload you own tunes and it converts them for you and again you save it and drag into itunes.

    Also try who have a large selection of iPhone ready ringtones that you can download to iTunes

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 151 ✭✭w@ll3gurl

    Your definitely not doing it right. It's very simple, once you get the hang of it. You obviously have not changed the song you wanted as a ringtone back to it's original version and length.

    1. Select song, right click and select 'get info'.
    2. Change the length of the song to less than 40 seconds, it cant be longer.
    3. From the 'Adavnced' button at the top of the iTunes page select 'create aac version'.
    4. Right click on the aac version and 'open in finder' if your using a mac or 'My Documents' on windows. Once opened, right click and change the file type to m4r.
    5. I then go back to iTunes and delete the aac version I created and also change the length of the song back to what it was previously.
    6. I drag the m4r ringtone file from it's folder into the ringtones section of iTunes.
    7. Sync and away I go.

    Don't know about downloading a ringtone legally from iTunes so can't help you there. I imagine they are **** and paying for a ringtone is ridiculous.

    Damian have you been doing this recently? And what version of iTunes? I'm just wondering if i am going mad :)

    I'd been doing a lot of tones like this, last one was last sunday. Worked a treat!! But now this week I tried a few times and i just can't get it to budge. I can convert to m4r and move it into the ring tone folder, but it never appears in the ringtone menu on iTunes and i cannot get it to synch to phone.
    I tried double clicking it on the desktop (normally it just starts playing the little ringtone) Tried manually moving the m4r file into the ringtone folder. Still nothing.
    Starting to wonder am i missing something - I must be! Even though i've done it a few times.
    Is it possible they have done a firmware change or something to stop us doing it? i have iTunes 9.1.1

    i am puzzled.:confused:

    ETA: Just tried Audiko and it worked - I *must* be doing something wrong. Will re-read your post about it
