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Slightly bothered by the Flash-sideways!

  • 19-03-2010 3:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,589 ✭✭✭

    Ok so maybe i'm the only one who feels this way but i have been slightly bothered by the flas-sideways over the fast few episodes. So far we've just had one character centric episodes showing thier lives in the flashsideways (with the exception of Episode S06; 01 & 02 "LA X" of course). The thing is in these episodes we see a lot of interaction between characters from the island in this new timeline and i just wonder about how it will all come together. For example, in the episode "The Substitute" we see Locke have encounters with Hurley, Rose and Jack (from LA X). And also stuff like Sayid finding Jin tied up by Keamey and Sawyer chasing down Kate.

    Will these be explained in some way i.e. They are all connected through the island without knowing or will it just be a thing for the fans to see these people all interact in the new timeline?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Psychedelic

    I'm bored with them too, with a few exceptions. Even if there is a big enough payoff later, nothing can excuse the fact that they are boring now. The only good bits about the flash sideways so far is stuff like Jack's scar, which suggests a connection with the main reality. A lot of it is filler, e.g. the Sawyer and Charlotte scenes, why were they there? They didn't develop anything about Sawyer that we didn't already know.

    I wonder will MIB or Jacob make an appearance in the flash sideways? Now that would make things really interesting.

    I reckon all the characters will eventually cross paths and get to know each other, and will somehow realise their connection, possibly find out about the island and do something that will again send them into yet another reality, a cycle which would continue forever, or they just go back to the main reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,612 ✭✭✭uncleoswald

    Yeah I'm bothered to. I like the Flashsidways from a character perspective and definitly don't consider them filler but the cameos are just cheapening them. The only rational solution is that they are all 'connected' but that sounds a bit wooly to me. Maybe the candidates at a stretch but Ben is 'connected' to Arzt, I mean really? It stinks of fan service, the kind that most fans actually hate.

    Everytime we see the back of someones head I'm dreading the reveal in case its someone completely irellivent, like Keamy.

    Still pretty sure there will be a pay off, and not in a "hey, we all know eachother, lets go to the island" way, that would be horrific. But something that turns everything on its head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,589 ✭✭✭irish_stevo815

    Yes it is a slight cause for concern alright. I mean with only 10 more episodes left you'd think that these flashsideways would want to start coming together pretty soon otherwise it will end up being a horrific mess - trying to fit it all together in the last 2 or 3 episodes would be terrible.

    I still feel that whenever Desmond is intorduced into the series again, he will (hopefully) play a significant role in the whole thing coming together. Because i think Episode 11 "Happily Ever After" is Desmond centric (i remember seeing this somewhere else). and i think the fact that if he was to have a flashsideways episode it would be cool, because he was already off the island before all the time flashes started with the other losties. But of course he has had his own time flashing trouble. so maybe (unless he is somehow in Whidmore's submarine now) there will be the possibilty of 2 Desmonds off the island - one in 2007 and one in the 2004 flashsideways time.

    I dont know maybe im just rambling but it would be cool to have Desmond to be the Constant, if you will, between the 2 time lines.
