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Xbox live Connection - opening ports

  • 19-03-2010 1:24am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi all

    Bit of a problem with my xbox live. 75% of the time I get kicked out of games, beit halfway through a game or near the start. Its beginning to get on my nerves to say the least. The blood is boiling!

    Anyways, I recently moved house with a NTL connection of 10mb through a cisco epc2425 router. I can't use my xbox wireless adapter at all (for example I play MW2 and it just jumps all over the place straight away and sometimes I get kicked) so I've a direct cable going to the router.

    The nat can change from open to moderate and on the rare occasion strict. I don't know how its changing but on all settings it still boots me out of games.

    I finally was able to access the router via "" and got the password for it, but I don't know where to take it from here. I presume I need to open certain ports and/or change my nat settings to be constantly open?

    I read on the microsoft websites the following may need to be open:
    • TCP 80
    • UDP 88
    • UDP 3074
    • TCP 3074
    • UDP 53
    • TCP 53

    I've attached a screenshot of the cisco router page, if anyone can direct me from here it would be great.

    cheers folks

    Also, has anyone heard of people on the 10mb package getting upgraded to 15mb?

    Edit: I enabled UPnP via Advanced settings >> Options, that should set my nat to open if google is telling the truth!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    got the following from this link

    Regarding step 3, do I need to do this step to open the ports in step 4?

    Step 1: Get your Xbox 360's IP address from the system blade and choose network settings. Then edit settings should show your Xbox's IP.

    Step 2: Go into your routers configuration window thru Internet Explorer. In the address bar type in your routers IP address. It should be default at or When you're prompted for a password you have found it =P. If you haven't changed it the username and password should both be admin, and admin.

    Step 3: USING DMZ When you enter into your router config window, you need to find the Tab DMZ, it should be under applications and gaming if you are using Linksys. Once you find the DMZ tab, click enable and type in the last digits of your XBOX into the box below. Yes when you do this you are opening all the ports on your Xbox, which is insecure, but show me someone that has hacked into an xbox 360?

    Step 4:Using Port Fowarding After you have enabled DMZ, find the Port Fowarding tab, should be under advanced routing. For the name type in XBL or whatever you want, and for port range put 87 to 89, choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then do 3073 to 3075 choose TCP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then again do 3073 to 3075 choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable.

    Step 5:Using UPnP This is just incase. Go into UPnP fowarding and enter in the same stuff you did for Step 4.

    Step 6: Now logout of your router config. Unplug your router and modem from the power, then plug in the router 1st, wait 30 seconds. Then plug in the modem and wait at least 2 minutes. If you don't do these hard restarts it might not work!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    Trilla wrote: »
    Hi all

    Also, has anyone heard of people on the 10mb package getting upgraded to 15mb?

    Edit: I enabled UPnP via Advanced settings >> Options, that should set my nat to open if google is telling the truth!

    A few of the lads were on the 10 meg package and got the free upgrade to 15 meg , another couple were on the 20 meg package and were upgraded to thirty meg.

    Google is telling the truth , your Universal plug and play has to be enabled.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    Trilla wrote: »
    got the following from this link

    Regarding step 3, do I need to do this step to open the ports in step 4?

    Step 1: Get your Xbox 360's IP address from the system blade and choose network settings. Then edit settings should show your Xbox's IP.

    Step 2: Go into your routers configuration window thru Internet Explorer. In the address bar type in your routers IP address. It should be default at or When you're prompted for a password you have found it =P. If you haven't changed it the username and password should both be admin, and admin.

    Step 3: USING DMZ When you enter into your router config window, you need to find the Tab DMZ, it should be under applications and gaming if you are using Linksys. Once you find the DMZ tab, click enable and type in the last digits of your XBOX into the box below. Yes when you do this you are opening all the ports on your Xbox, which is insecure, but show me someone that has hacked into an xbox 360?

    Step 4:Using Port Fowarding After you have enabled DMZ, find the Port Fowarding tab, should be under advanced routing. For the name type in XBL or whatever you want, and for port range put 87 to 89, choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then do 3073 to 3075 choose TCP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable. Then again do 3073 to 3075 choose UDP, then your XBOX last digits, and enable.

    Step 5:Using UPnP This is just incase. Go into UPnP fowarding and enter in the same stuff you did for Step 4.

    Step 6: Now logout of your router config. Unplug your router and modem from the power, then plug in the router 1st, wait 30 seconds. Then plug in the modem and wait at least 2 minutes. If you don't do these hard restarts it might not work!

    You would probably getmore help in the broadband section m8.

    2 a.m , you must been drinking ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    Ok cheers Shammy I'll put one up on the broadband section

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    I had a problem where the 360 would only find maybe 3-4 games as it scanned in MW2. Wouldn't get into any of them either. NAT status was constant at Strict. So I used that exact link you posted to put my 360 in the DMZ for my wireless broadband by Step3. Now I'm constantly with an Open NAT status, and have no problems getting games. Never been kicked out of a live game either.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    shawpower wrote: »
    ISo I used that exact link you posted to put my 360 in the DMZ for my wireless broadband by Step3.
    Would doing that effect the 3 laptops and my mates PS3s network connection in any way? Thats one of my main concerns.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    I wouldn't see how. It just means your 360 isn't behind the full Router firewall. So is more accessible if anyone was looking to hack your system, but really don't think that is likely.

    Your laptops and PS3 just work as normal from behind the router. I've not had any problems with my laptops since moving the 360 into DMZ anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    Grand lads thanks for the help.

    I'll leave Upnp enabled, open those ports via Port fowarding screen (correct ye?) and setup my xbox for the dmz settings. Probably doesnt matter but there is only one text area on the dmz section of the cisco router settings, so at the risk of asking an obvious stupid question...does this mean I can only set up one device for dmz / avoid the firewall?

    thanks again

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,009 ✭✭✭Shammy

    I just remembered one of the lads was on the 10meg package and kept getting booted,finally he did a speed test and found out he was only on the 3 meg one.
    Just check to be sure m8.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower is the site to use to test your Broadband speeds.

    I wouldn't do every step of that solution you posted. Try the DMZ one first, and if that doesn't work, try the next one instead.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭shawpower

    This is another useful site.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    Again lads thanks for all this. I'll try it out tonight or tomorrow. The connection is defo 10mb, tested it a while back.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 227 ✭✭/V\etalfish

    You would not need to do all options.
    Either enable uPnP and open the ports, or else place it in the DMZ (best option in my opinion).

    In saying that, uPnP should open the ports for use automatically also but I've not found this reliable with my 360.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,985 ✭✭✭✭Nalz

    Well lads. Xbox live dropping on me again.

    I went to port forwarding on the router with ranges 87 -89 UDP, 3073-3075 and 53-53 for both TCP and UDP

    I enabled the Upnp

    Entered my xbox IP in the DMZ so it would bypass the firewall

    Seemed okay for 3 days or so. My mate was playing pro evo and Ive been playin MW2 without fail until today. I then went to port filtering (different section to forwarding) with the same ports and couldnt connect to the web with the laptop afterwards

    Any other ideas? Cheers

    edit: speed test showed 7848kb/s and Upload of 832kb/s
