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How can I make all movies play with VLC?

  • 24-02-2010 11:47pm
    Moderators, Motoring & Transport Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,616 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    I hate the standard player for movies, I way prefer VLC.

    So, like ni windows I right click, open with, pick VLC from the list and tick the "Always open with this program" box

    For some reason it just won't work. Am I doing something wrong or how can I ensure All movies play with vlc?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,155 ✭✭✭Stainless_Steel

    Zascar wrote: »
    I hate the standard player for movies, I way prefer VLC.

    So, like ni windows I right click, open with, pick VLC from the list and tick the "Always open with this program" box

    For some reason it just won't work. Am I doing something wrong or how can I ensure All movies play with vlc?


    Yes you can!

    Right click and choose Get Info. One of the properties of the file will be 'Open With'. Choose VLC from the drop down and then hit the 'Change All' button.

    Now that file type will always open with VLC by default.
