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Alcohol License

  • 21-02-2010 11:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 234 ✭✭

    Here's an idea? How about an alcohol license. We automatically get it when we reach 18. We must produce it to buy or drink alcohol. If we abuse alcohol, (drunken threatening behaviour, drink driving, spouse/child abuse which is alcohol related, urinating in public, alcohol related aggression etc etc) our license can be revoked by the Gardai or courts. Some rules;
    1)Forged license........lose license.....fine.......gaol
    2)Sell or give to someone with revoked license......lose license....fine....gaol.

    The idea would be not to interfere (too much) with the average drinker who does not pose any problems. For the majority of people it will not affect them. However, binge drinking is a serious threat to a lot of people and nearly always ignored.

    Some problems;
    1)Difficult to enforce. Like a driving license, self enforcing but with harsh penalties for abuse.
    2)Tourists and visitors to Ireland. Produce their Passport.

    All take-away alcohol to be stamped with shop/pub where sold. Seller is responsible for who they sell to.

    Just some ideas. I fu**ing hate the association of Ireland and Irishness with drunkeness. Maybe we could lead the way in developing a new respect for drinking. Sounds impossible?????? Well I thought the smoking ban would never work and look at us now.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,835 ✭✭✭unreggd

    I thought of somethin like this too

    in most clubs in Germany u get a swipe card for drinks, then pay ur tab when u leave. Maybe use somethin like that to monitor how much people are drinking

    Mainly people binge cos bar staff dont stop serving people who have clearly had too much

  • Registered Users Posts: 905 ✭✭✭Bassfish

    A bit Nanny-stateish no? Alcohol is highly regulated and taxed in Ireland compared to other countries yet it does nothing to stop our drinking culture so i don't believe more rules an regulations are going to solve anything. The problem will only allieviate when people freely and consciously choose not to binge drink. How you get people round to that attitude is a whole other days work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 234 ✭✭Eph1958

    Bassfish, I agree it's a bit NAnny-statish but it's a pretty ludicrous situation at the moment. There are lots of regulations but their implementation is a joke. The taxes are carefully controlled as a source of revenue, I really don't think they are even intended as a deterrent. The fact is, we are the laughing stock of the world with our sad dependence on the ol' demon drink. And we haven't even begun to discuss the health, both physical and mental, affects of it. It's an insane situation and we cannot even see it, much less do anything about it.
    The license would be an attempt to inject an air of reality to the situation, perhaps to even open some serious discussion on the matter.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,835 ✭✭✭unreggd

    Exactly, crap or lack of implementation

    Taxing alcohol is purely for revenue. Same with smokes. If the government actually cared about the nations health, they'd ban both

    I agree with the attitude part though. IMO they should lower the drinking age, and parent should cop on and introduce their kids to alcohol. That's why europe don't have as big a problem as here, you have wine with dinner, takes the mystery out of it

    I still think the OPs plan is a reasonable thing to look into, as its mainly focused on reducing alcohol-related violence

    ASBOs for everyone!
