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White Hills anyone?

  • 19-02-2010 6:21pm
    Posts: 0

    Went into Road the other day looking for TwinKranes album. It was out of stock and coming in next week. So I had a look in the vinyl section and picked up White Hills eponymous album. One of those, "interesting cover, nice blurb, I'll give it a whirl" jobbies. Threw it on the record player, sounded awesome.

    Got home.

    Listened to it 4 times in a row. Really really solid album. No singles that I can see coming off it, it sounds structured as an album.

    Did anyone else pick it up?

    Good review here:

    Their previous album, "Heads on Fire" has been on constant as well.

    The video below is from "Heads on Fire"

    Turn it on and turn it up!
