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PW Draft House Show Thread

  • 16-02-2010 11:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭

    This see an intro screen presenting the first ever Defying Wrestling Organization (D.W.O) and High Votage Wrestling (H.V.W) house show. We then see ascreen going through who's on each roster. The screen fades and both logo's are displayed.

    "And now, the D.W.O and H.V.W proudly present the first ever co-produced house show"

    - We go live to the arena where a small series of pyro are going off. We see a notice of the bottom of the screen saying that every match will be D.W.O vs H.V.W. No wrestler knows who they'll be facing. We hear Evan Bourne's "Bourne to Win" playing as he makes his way down to the ring. Evan looks on as the first member from H.V.W comes down. It's Booker T!!

    Match 1: Evan Bourne vs. Booker T

    The match starts off in a slow pace with Booker controlling the early part. Bourne can't seem to get any high-flying moves in as Booker applies a couple of headlocks to keep Bourne grounded. Booker gets Bourne up looking for a scissors kick for the finish. Bourne dodges it and gets a 2-count off a schoolboy pin. Bourne signals how close he was to beating him. The action picks up as Bourne begins to get into the match. Bourne hits a quick hurrican-rana followed by a kick straight to Bookers head. Bourne goes for a pin only for Booker to quickly throw him to the outside. Booker get's on the apron, he look's like he's gonna dive onto Bourne when Bourne pulls Bookers's kegs from underneath him. Booker hit's the back off the apron and looks like he landed awkwardly on the floor. Bourne slowly gets up the steps and begins to climb to the top rope. Bourne looks like he's going to hit his "shooting star press" when Booker slowly gets up and rolls into the ring. Booker gets up to his feet and hits the rope which gives Bourne an uncomfortable landing on the top rope. Booker slowly climbs up to the top rope and hits a super-plex. Both men are down when the ref counts to 8. Booker begins to get up at 9 and so does Bourne. Booker quickly hits the book-end on Bourne. 1...2...Bourne just kicks out at 2 and 7/8's. Booker signals to the crowd it's over. He lifts Bourne up only for Bourne to hit a snap-ddt out of nowhere. Bourne goes up to the top-rope. He goes for the "shooting star press" but Booker rolls outta way. Booker lifts Bourne up and hits the scissor kick for the 3


    Winner: Booker T

    - H.V.W grabs their first win tonight.

    Match Two: British Invasion vs. Beer Money

    Much to the disapproval of the Irish crowd, Magnus and Williams enter with a union jack in each hand. Williams takes a microphone from ringside and begins to insult the crowd. He only gets so far as Beer Money make their way to the ring.
    Beer Money have control of the early stages, using their superior strength over Williams and keeping him away from Magnus.After a couple of near falls it would appear there is only one winner but Williams manages to reverse an Irish whip which sees Magnus hold the rope down, sending Roode crashing to the floor below. Finally the British Invasion get the tag. Magnus takes control using typical borderline DQ moves such as chokes and mudhole stomping. He then keeps Roode off his feet with a sleeper hold. The Olé Olé brigade are in full swing and are getting behind Roode as he tries to get to his feet. He manages to break out of the hold and plant a DDT to see both men needing a tag. Storm and Williams slug it out, Storm has Williams set up for the Last Call but Williams cleverly drops out of the ring. Storm pursues him until he runs in Roode who clotheslines him. They toss him back into the ring where he scrambles across to tag in Magnus again. Roode slyly tags Storm in as Storm is mowed down by a resurgent Magnus. However, he is unaware of his impending fate and is floored by the Roode Awakening. Storm knocks Williams off the apron and the duo connect with the DWI on Magnus for the victory.

    Winners: Beer Money

    D.W.O. get one on the scoreboard

    Backstage we see Mr. Backlund tucking in to a plate of food. He is just adjusting his napkin to eat but he is hit in the nose by a piece of food. The camera widens to show Eddie Guerrero in hysterics. He comes over, pats him on the shoulder and inbetween his uncontrollable fits of laughter asks Backlund rhetorically; How was that for a CROSS FACE CHICKENWING!?!?!
    Backlund demands more decorum, especially at meals as he shoves Guerrero away from him. Guerrero coolly walks back up towards him, takes a French fry off his plate and say’s ‘no problem amigo!’ and walks away.

    Match 3 - Cody Rhodes (w/Hardcore Holly) vs. Tyson Kidd (w/David Hart Smith)

    - Cody comes down to the ring with a smug/cocky look on him while Kidd has a more serious look on him. The match starts off with both men applying basic chain wrestling moves. Kidd goes for an anklelock early on but Cody rolls out of the way. Cody apples a headlock but Kidd escapes. Kidd begins to quicken the pace by hitting clotheslines and a few basic slams. Kidd begins to build some momentum but when he ran off the ropes, Holly clips his leg causing him to fall. Cody lifts him up and hits quick DDT. 1...2...Kidd kicks out. Cody then applies a figure-4 leg lock. After about 30 seconds in the hold, Kidd somehow reverses the pressure, forcing Cody to get to the ropes. Kidd gets up and goes onto the ring apron for his finisher "The Code Blue". He jumps up onto the top rope and hits it. 1...2...Holly stands on the apron, distracting the referee. Kidd is in shock that he hasn't won. Kidd and Cody are by the bottom rope. Kidd begins to drag Cody into the centre of the ring to apply the anklelock but Holly holds onto his leg. DH Smith runs over to attack Holly. Smith throws Holly into the steel steps and then the steel barricade. Kidd is looking on in the ring while Cody gets up behind him. Cody suddenly hits Cross-Rhodes on Kidd. 1....2.....3

    Winner: Cody Rhodes

    - DH Smith turns around in shock to see Cody celebrating. He goes into the ring to attack Cody. Smith goes to lift Cody to give him a rinning powerslam but Cody quickly hits a snap DDT. Holly slowly makes his way into the ring. He's limping on his left leg after it took the brunt of the force from hitting the steel steps. Holly tells Cody to lift Kidd up. Cody lifts him up. Holly then gives Kidd the Alabama Slam. Holly then gets Smith up. Cody hits Cross Rhodes on Smith. Cody and Holly leave the ring while The Hart Dynasty are out cold in the ring

    Main Event: 6 man tag match - L.A.X. & Brock Lesnar v The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero & The Ultimate Warrior

    Tempers are flaring in this match. No one knows whether or not their respective partners can be trusted. L.A.X. are wary that Lesnar ultimately answers to Glenn Fitzpatrick, the man who pays his wages. Guererro and ‘Taker alone are competing with each other over on DWO Revolt and the sheer unpredictability of The Warrior leaves much to be pondered.
    Lesnar clearly has it in for Eddie as he punishes him in the early stages. Things get interesting when ‘Taker is tagged in. It’s not a wrestling match, it’s a war. ‘Taker goes old school, hitting powerslams and backbreakers, a sign of his evergreen strength. Lesnar’s athleticism allows him to tag in Hernandez. His freshness gives him the upper hand and him and Homicide seem to have the deadman where they want him. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Lesnar has no interest in being tagged in which sees him get a swift punch in the jaw courtesy of Hernandez. Warrior comes from behind and knocks Hernandez out of the ring, the referee declares Lesnar the legal man. As Lesnar argues with the official about the confusion, Taker catches him off guard and plants a chokeslam. Suddenly, he feels a slap on the back, Eddie has tagged himself in. Amidst the Phenom’s anger, Eddie climbs the top rope. Michael Cole is screaming ‘Shades of 2004 when Eddie stole the title from Lesnar at No Way Out!!!’
    Eddie is preparing a classic Frog Splash but Mr. Backlund appears from the crowd and pushes him from the top rope, resulting in a DQ. He laughs hard as L.A.X. double team him, ‘Taker watches without a care. Suddenly, Beer Money appear and ambush Mr. Backlund and Lesnar who had tried to escape the madness. Pouring in from both sides are the remainder of the locker room from both sides. It’s a free for all. Hardcore Holly is being passed around like currency and Lesnar has ploughed poor Evan Bourne right through a table with an F5. The camera fades out with the madness still continuing.


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    Thanks Volt for posting this.

    The idea for this house show was to mix it up between both rosters. The show was streamed on and I did the Bourne/Booker and Kidd/Cody matches while Volt did the Beer Money/Brit Invasion, the Eddie/Backlund bit and the main event. I think it's save to say the show has been a success.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Nice show lads..:):cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Sorry if this isnt the correct thread but WSWF has been getting some good press recently...

    Here we are..personally invited to the first live television event of WSWF.. in the permenant home of "WSWF WrestleWar"... Thats in The War Zone aka The Hammerstein Ballroom, in the Manhatten Center in NYC.. The loud ruckus crowd here is something i've only every incountered once in my life, and can only compare it to that first time i ever witnessed Nirvana live.


    GM Sobchak has decided to give wrestling fans an alternative to the high production values and low Wrestling standards of the competition.. And instead has focused on giving the rapid fanbase, the best wrestling in the world today, "thats right folks..We have no "sports entertainers" here in WSWF.. just W.R.E.S.T.L.E.R.S"

    "Not only do we have the best matches you'll see anywhere, we also have something a little extra for our fans at our live taping on a Sunday Night.. Thats our ever rotating house band that will perform, live during the night.. Acts booked so far include.. Black Label Society, Shinedown and Alice In Chains.. "This we feel, really adds some extra spice to our show" says the GM "Because that mix of adrenline and noise from the Bands, coupled with The fast paced nature of our Wrestlers.. really brings out the best in our fans. Not only that, it gives us the loudest, most vocal fans in any promotion anywhere in the World"

    This upstart Promotion was started 2 years ago by its GM, A former Vietnam Veteran with little Wrestling knowledge, but a will and unparelled desire to succeed. Sobchak admits his love of Wrestling was rekindled after reading the autobiography of his hero.. The Cowboy and the Cross: The Bill Watts Story.. Some suggest he has taken his obsession with Watts too far.. With his extreme agressive outburts, and the constant carrying of a pistol.


    Also.. Some have made copycat comparisions between the original ECW and WSWF and some people in the IWC have had the audacity to call Walter Sobchak..

    "The Poor Mans Paul Heyman"

    "The Least Admired Man in Pro Wrestling"

    "Only... Slightly Better Than Rob Black"

    "The Extremely Crappy Writer"

    "The Unoriginatior of Violence"

    "The Unoriginatior of Hardcore"

    "The Stephanie McMahon of Extreme"

    and "The Butcher of Logical Booking"
    But even with all the negative buzz from the smarks, people still travel from far and wide to watch WSWF Live in person.."Both house shows and our live taping are constantly sold out.. " Ratings so far have been encouraging, not quite up there with the big boys, but both Management and network are happy with both the ratings, and the direction of the product..


    GM Sobchak was scoured the Globe to find the most eklectic mix of talent in Professional Wrestling.. Forgoing the bigger names in Sports Entertainment, for guys with athletic prowess, and technical abitity. "I could have easily signed up some 300 pound, steroid addicted monster, but whats the point? If he doesnt have the ability to "work" with my guys, why bother"..

    WSWF WrestleWar airs live Sunday Night at 9-8c on the B.S Network

    And in Four weeks time, WSWF goes Live for its first Saturday Night PPV.. Mayhem Rising.. only on PPV

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,919 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Was a great read lads , fair play

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,235 ✭✭✭✭flahavaj

    The idea of Walter Sobchak himself as GM is actually brilliant, I'm laughing away like a fool here at the laptop at the prospect of the promos.

    "Shut the f*ck up Liger."

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    The pyros goes off it is the 1st night of this new and exciting brand of wrestling, finally CWA has arrived.

    Degeneration X music hits and out comes Triple H, X-pac and the New age outlaws
    The road dogg cuts his promo
    RD: Ladies and Gentleman boys and girls children of all ages I give to you the next tag team champions of the world , the next heavyweight champ of the world and the next international champ DEGENERATION X and if your not down with that
    The entire crowd shout SUCK IT.

    Triple H takes the mic and starts to go on how D/X are back together and they will rule CWA and as there is no GM yet in place it is up to them to decide what goes on tonight and his 1st order of business is to announce a CWA Heavyweight championship match tonight , just at that stage Mr. Andersons music hits from the top of the stage with Mic in hand he tells Triple H that it is he who is the future of CWA and before he goes and further he wants a title shot.
    Triple H tells him that indeed Mr. Anderson is a big part of CWA and will actually instead of getting a title be opening the show tonight in a handicap match against Ax and Smash aka Demolition and that match is next.
    Mr.Anderson Vs Demolition ( Handicap match )
    Mr. Anderson is waiting in the ring as Demolition music hits and Ax and Smash run into the ring Anderson tries to cut them off with punches and kicks and works for a short while until finally demolition gang up on him, and start to punch on his lower back, they give him a double close line Ax picks him up from the floor while Smash kicks him in the gut finally hitting him with the Demolition Decapitation.
    Ax takes the pin 1-2-3 for the win

    Winners: Demolition

    In the backstage area Triple H tells Xpac he is next up tonight and to go out and have some fun
    X-Pac Vs Brutus the barber Beefcake
    The match starts with but have them grappling Xpac throws beefcake to the corner and starts with his kicks but Beefcake come back with a heavy punch the match is goes forward and back until Beefcake gets the upper hand and hooks in a sleeper hold,
    X-pac is out Beefcake pins him for the 3 count he goes outside ring to get his shares but as he is coming in New age outlaws run in and start to double team beefcake just then Greg Valentine runs in with a chair and cleats house just leaving him and beefcake in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: Brutus Beefcake
    Triple H is in the ring with the mic and he tells everyone that his opponent tonight to decide the new CWA Champion is a former Champ himself with many title reigns and is someone he has never faced, the music hits and out comes Justin Credible the crowd Boo loudly they are not happy as Credible should be no match for Triple H
    Triple H Vs Justin Credible
    The match starts and Justin Credible is trying to use his speed and agility but Triple H just cuts him off and throws him on the ropes and hits him with the knee he continues to pound on him with knees, punches and kicks until finally he out him in the pedigree drops Justin Credible to the canvass and pins him for the win
    He is announced the new CWA Heavyweight Champion the crowd Boo just then red lights start to flash and a sign for rWo is shown on the big screen out walks Nikita Koloff and points to Triple H and then points to his own waist and makes a shape of a belt and then walks off again

    Winner: Triple H

    More questions to be answered what is this rWo , what other stars will be signed will Mr. Anderson be back for more next week, tune in to find out

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,900 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    great read all

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,391 ✭✭✭D2D

    D.W.O House Show


    - This is streamed live on We see a montage of highlights from the last house show where D.W.O and H.V.W co-presented Collision. A graphic welcomes us to the show

    - The pyro goes off as we hear Skillet's "Awake and Alive" in the background. We are LIVE at the 02 in Dublin for tonight's show. A healthy crowd of over 6,000 people are hear to witness D.W.O's first solo house show. We see an image that tonight, The Undertaker will be facing off against L.A.X in a handicap match and, in our main event, Eddie Guerrero will team up with Evan Bourne to take on the team of Beer Money, Inc (James Storm and Robert Roode). We go back live to ringside as our first match is about to begin.

    Match 1 - David Hart Smith vs. Jay "Black Machismo" Lethal

    Jay Lethal comes out in his "Black Machismo" gimmick. A great opening match with both men getting in plenty of offence. We see that Tyson Kidd and Consequences Cred are looking on backstage. Lethal hits a number of snap suplex's while DH Smith tries to make Lethal tap out with a Boston crab. After 25 minutes of great in-ring action and many close counts, DH goes for the Sharpshooter for the finish. DH tries to lock it in but Lethal trips up Smith. Smith gets up and lifts up Lethal. He goes for a running powerslam but Lethal gets down, turn's Smith around and hits the "Lethal Combination" for the win

    Winner: Jay "Black Machismo" Lethal


    - Tyson Kidd comes down to help DH Smith who, from the replay shown, landed on his left shoulder. DH Smith is clearly in pain as he's taken to the back with medics and Kidd helping him. Consequences comes down to the ring and cuts a promo that Lethal Consequences are soon going to become the 1st ever D.W.O Tag team champions. They both celebrate with the fans and give them "high-5's".



    During intermission, we see a preview video for Revolt and a scrolling note at the bottom of the screen saying that the D.W.O will be adding another top-star/s to the roster over the coming days. We also see that D.W.O's PPV will be called Annihilation and will take place at the Echo Arena in Liverpool within the coming months and it'll be broadcast LIVE on TG4/ESPN/ESPNHD and on PPV in the States for the "bargain price" of $4.99 ($6.99 in HD). US Fans who buy the PPV will also get codes for free merchandise at and free front-row tickets to any D.W.O that they wish as a thank you gesture

    -We come back from intermission for match 2

    Match 2 -The Undertaker vs. L.A.X (Homicide and Hernandez)

    Taker comes out in his usual eerie fashion and gets a huge pop while L.A.X come out with the Mexican flag and get a small pop. We see a note that L.A.X can only have 1 member in the ring at any one time and have to tag each other in. Taker faces an uphill battle here as Homicide and Hernandez tag each other in and out to keep themselves fresh. Anytime Taker tries to build momentum, it's stopped straight away. During the match, Homicide throws Taker to the outside. Homicide then gets the refs attention while Hernandez throws Taker into the steel barricade and then knees-first into the ring-steps. The ring-steps don't move at all and it looks like Taker is seriously hurt and is clutching his right-knee. The ref gets out of the ring and goes to aid Taker. The ref rings the bell as Taker is unable to continue.

    Match ends in No-Contest

    Creed and Lethal run out to help Taker but L.A.X take them out. Hernandez wraps Creed in the Mexican flag and gives him a beal on the floor then they throw Lethal into the steel-barrier and then into the ring. Homicide goes on the top rope while Hernandez lifts up Lethal. Homicide jumps off the top rope and hits the 5150 on Lethal. L.A.X then make a gesture that they're going to be the tag-team champions. Undertaker has slowly gotten up and is limping towards the back. It looks like he'll be ok.

    We see a video package promoting the main-event featuring "Rooftops" by Lost Prophets and highlighting all competitors main achievements so far in their careers.

    Main Event - Match 3 - Eddie Guerrero and Evan Bourne vs. Beer Money, Inc

    What a main-event match. Eddie and Bourne are trying Lucha-Libra type wrestling while Beer Money are taking a ground and pound approach to this match. Roode and Bourne start us off. Bourne is literally flying around the ring while Roode is trying to ground him. Bourne is eventually grounded and any momentum he had is gone. After around 10 mins, Roode and Storm are both tagging each other in and are keeping Bourne from taging Eddie in. They hit a double suplex on Bourne followed by DWI. Eddie breaks up the pin. The ref forces Eddie out of the ring while Beer Money drag Bourne back to their corner. Eddie is becoming impatient on the apron and is desperate for the tag. Chants of "let's go Bourne!!" echo around the arena as Bourne is trying to get to his corner to tag Eddie in. Bourne eventually gets a 2nd wind, slids through Roode's legs, rolls and tags Eddie in. The roof is nearly blown off the 02. Eddie is fired up and shows the Latino Heat by hitting the "3 Amigo's" on both Roode and Storm. Eddie drags Roode over by 1 corner and Storm to another. Eddie tags Bourne in. Bourne runs over to Roode (who's the legal man) and Eddie goes over to Storm. Both Eddie and Bourne climb the top rope. Eddie hits his "frog splash" while Bourne hits his "Shooting Star Press". Bourne gets the 3

    Winners: Eddie Guerrero and Evan Bourne


    After the match, both Beer Money and Eddie and Bourne shake hands with each other.Eddie gives Bourne a hug as the D.W.O roster comes out (except for The Undertaker) as the screen fades to black

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    Nice show D2d especially like the main event and the push you are giving LAX ,

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,919 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Welcome to the first ever FWA House Show Live in the Olympia Theatre .

    Capacity 1000 (SOLD OUT!)

    We are welcomed to the debut FWA show live in Dublin . Airbournes new song " No Way But The Hard Way" is blasted out threw the PA system as the fans sit down and get ready for tonight's action.

    Opening Segment

    Chris Jericho comes down the ramp to boos from the audience. He gets in the ring and says "that everyone should be happy he even turned up to this dump of a city and i cant wait to get out of here , but im not leaving until the FWA present me with the World Championship , I will sit in the middle of the ring until...... "

    CM Punk's Music Hits as the crowd cheer as he comes out of the tunnel.
    He tells Jericho " You do realise that you wont be handed that title anytime soon because he will be the 1st FWA champion , and he will prove it right now

    Punk runs the ramp towards Jericho and both men brawl until security.

    Opening Match

    MVP/Matt Hardy Vs Kash/Noble

    Very fast paced match but it was long until it became a handicap match. During the match MVP would turn on his partner by kicking him in the head this would let Kash hit the Dead Level for the win

    Winners: Kash/Noble

    Post Match
    MVP would beat down Hardy saying that "He is sick of him and is going for the World Title instead of looking after you"


    2nd Match
    Sarita Vs Taylor Wilde

    Before this match could even start Drew Mc Intyre would make his presence felt


    He tells the women to get back into the kitchen and leave the wrestling to the men , Both women leave the ring not in a happy mood. Drew goes on how he will become the 1st FWA champion and the 1st Scottish World Champion. Before he could continue Rhyno would appear from behind him and hits him with a GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    The Main Event is up next!!!

    CM Punk/Rhyno Vs Jericho/Mc Intyre - Ends In A No Contest

    One hell of a main event with many tags between the both teams. A lot of near falls . Punk would get a well deserved tag from Rhyno and would clean house and would set up Mc Intyre for a GTS but before he could hit the GTS Jericho would hit a low blow on Punk followed by Codebreaker. Rhyno would try battle both men off but MVP would hit the ring and attack Rhyno. It then became a 3 on 1 assault until Hardy would hit the ring and take out Mc Intyre/Jericho while MVP ran out of the ring , Hardy would then chase MVP out of the arena. Just as everyone else was getting to their feet , UMAGA's music hit and he walked down to the ring and got in the ring , he took out all 4 men to end the the debut house show.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    The pyros goes off it is the 2ndt night of this new and exciting brand of wrestling, finally CWA Challenge has arrived.

    Triple H is standing in the middle of the ring with the CWA Title around his waist
    His says since there is still no GM for CWA that he as The Champion of CWA shall GM the show tonight.

    Mr. Anderson’s music hits he comes out with Mic in hand he congratulates Triple H on his Championship win sarcastically of course and challenges his to a title shot tonight.

    Triple H tells Mr. Anderson that he would love to take him on tonight to the crowds delights and then he adds a BUT as he says as the GM tonight he will be too busy but he will put Ken in the main event tonight in a tag match against Demolition and Ken can choose his own partner.
    ***Cuts to intermission****
    We are back and the 1st match of the night is about to get underway
    Billy Gunn Vs Brutus Beefcake

    Billy Gunn is in the ring waiting on Brutus the barber beefcake his music hits and he comes out with his shears in hand and with wild look in his eyes, he gets in the ring only to be cut off by Billy Gunn who stomps on him and throws him against the rope hits him with a perfect standing leg drop , when he tried to get beefcake back to his feet brutus tried a school boy only get s a two count Gunn again starts to stomp on him, beefcake gets some momentum going finally and even gets his sleeper hold on but Gunn hits him with a neck breaker counter and getting the cover for the win

    Winner: Billy Gun
    Road Dogg Vs Greg Valentine

    Road Dogg and Greg Valentine start to grapple in the middle of the ring Valentine gets Road dogg in a head lock and throws in a few punches for good measure, it goes backwards and forwards for a while when suddenly X-pac decides to make his way to the ring and stand up on the apron Greg valentine makes a swipe for him but xpac ducks and road dog rolls Valentine for the 2 count, Brutus Beefcake now makes his way to the ring and with shears in hand chases xpac off, this now distracts road dogg and Valentine is able to hit him from behind with a close line and apply the figure four Road dogg taps out

    Winner: Greg the hammer Valentine

    Back from the break and we are back stage where we see Mr. Anderson coming out of Justin Credibles dressing room the main event is next and it looks like Mr. Anderson has got a partner.

    Here comes the Az here comes the smash……Demoltion enter the ring smash with his tongue out the look like they are ready for a fight, Mr. Anderson music hits and he walks down to ringside before he enter he looks back to the entrance rWo starts to flash on the big screen and out walks Nikita Koloff looks like Justin Credible is not his partner after all.
    Mr. Anderson & Nikita Koloff Vs Demolition
    Mr. Anderson and Nikita Koloff rush into the ring where demolition are there to meet them Mr. Anderson has Ax in the corner while Nikita Koloff has Smash in the opposite corner they irish whip both Ax and Smash who collide in the middle of the ring , Nikita Koloff then whips Ax off the ropes and hits him with a flying elbow and goes for the cover Smash goes for the save but Anderson cuts him off Koloff gets the 3 count for the win and crowd goes wild

    Winenr: Mr. Anderson and Nikita Koloff

    Mr. Anderson shakes hands with Nikita Koloff and leaves the ring living Nikita Koloff to the applause from fans suddenly DX music hits and out comes Hunter with his d/x chums

    They get into the ring things are not looking good for Nikita Koloff when then the red lights start to flash all over the arena and rWo comes back on the big screen at the top of the entrance there stands Ivan Koloff and Nikolai Volkoff when Russian flags in hand they rush the ring where they and Nikita Koloff clear house D/X beats a hasty retreat, Nikita Koloff takes the mic and screams up to Triple H that there is a new team in town and they are the rWo the RUSSIAN WORLD ORDER………

    The crowd is stunned..

    What can we expect from the next house show maybe more stars to join will the feud between rWo and DX continue to grow, will the New Age outlaws and Dream team get in the ring and what about Mr. Anderson where does he stand in all of this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    ####BREAKING NEWS########
    WSWF has just announced on their website that the company has been sold to Eric Bischoff. The news comes just days after stocks were put on the NASDAQ by WSWF and Bischoff is now the 51% majority shareholder along with his business partner Jason Hervey and their company Bischoff-Hervey Production.

    WSWF has had a meteoric rise over the last 2 years, and with Bischoff at the helm now, one has to wonder what the next step for these upstarts are..



    WSWF is no longer WSWF, Bischoff has made his first change to the company by remaning the brand WCWF or World Championship Wrestling Federation.. More updates soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,364 ✭✭✭campo

    With only 1 week before CWA goes live on TV we are at a house show in Philli

    rWo stand in the middle of the ring Nikita Koloff has the mic and Ivan Koloff and Nikolai Volkoff stand behind him, Nikita Koloff tells the crowd that the day of D/X running this show has come to an end and if D/X aint down with that he has two words of his own for them and aint it suck it he then proceeds to challenge Triple H for the title.

    Break it down….Degeneration X…Triple H comes out with the rest of DX to answer Koloffs challenge he tells him that he be more then happy to kick his ass but not tonight as tonight the semi finals for the tag team championship and the international title begins but not to worry his day is coming soon real soon.
    ***Cuts to intermission****
    We are back and backstage is Mr.Anderson mic comes down from ceiling he begins to tell the fans that tonight is the night that he starts his campaign to win his 1st title in CWA the International Title and he does not care if he needs to beat every member of D/X . rWo , JVC, PMS or any other letters you can put together that no one can stop him from advancing and getting his title shot.
    Mr. Anderson vs X-Pac

    Mr. Anderson enters the ring 1st and awaits X-pac who comes out with The New Age Outlaws things don’t look good for Anderson, the match begins with Anderson on top of the things x-pac can only get in a few kicks but Anderson whips him into the turnbuckle followed by a clothesline he then x-pac falls to the middle of the ring Anderson goes on the top rope Billy Gunn jumps on the ring the ref comes over to order him off but Road Dogg then pushes Anderson off the top rope Xpac is able to recover and hit him with the x factor covers for the 123 its all over

    Winner:Xpac xpacwrestling.jpg
    Demolition Vs Ivan Koloff and Nikolai Volkoff

    This is the 1st match in the tag team championship semi final Demolition enter the ring 1st then the lights in the building go red, rWo comes up on the big screen Ivan Koloff and Nikolai Volkoff walk down to ringside Koloff has an American flag in hand and Volkoff a Russian one to show the unity between both countries,
    The match begins with Ax and Koloff they begin to grapple Koloff gets Ax in a headlock and tags in Volkoff who hits Ax in ribs whips him to the ropes and then knees him to body he goes to pick him up but Ax kicks him in gut and tags in Smash…the match is going one way and another Smash is in ring with Koloff he has him in a full nelson but Koloff is able to counter and put him into a bear hug , Volkoff cuts off Ax who tries to get in ring and Smash is able to take no more and taps out

    Winner: Ivan Koloff and Nikolai Volkoff 180px-Nikolai-Volkoff.jpg
    New Age Outlaws Vs The Dream team
    The 2nd of tonight’s tag team semi final begins Billy Gunn and Greg Valentine begins the match Valentine cant wait to get his hands on him and immediately kicks him in the gut and then gives him a chop Gunn goes over to tag road dog but who gets in to receive a chop of his own , the new age outlaws begin to get back into it and when road throws Beefcake who is now the legal man over the ring BG is there to dish out some more punishment but just then Mr. Anderson comes running down the ring and Billy Gunn takes off into the crowd leaving road dogg on his own beefcake gets back into ring but is struggling he goes to tag valentine road dogg tries to stop him its too late Valentine gets in ring starts to beat down Road dogg and hits the figure four on him Road dogg taps out Dream Team goes on to the final to face Koloff and Volkoff

    Winners : The Dream Teamdream_team.jpg
    Naomichi Marufuji Vs Justin Credible
    A new star is introduced to the CWA fans it is none other then the Japanese superstar Naomichi Marufuji a huge pop from the crowd as he enters the ring to face Justin Credible , the match begins with a very fast pace Credible and Marufji and trading kicks in the middle of the ring Credible is 1st to pull back Marufuji hits him with a standing drop kick Credible is now stunned this gives Marufuji the chance to go to the top of the ropes and hit with the frog splash he then puts Credible into a triangle choke combined with a Cobra clutch Credible taps out immediately and Marufuji is announced the winner and will go on to face X-pac in the final for the International Title

    Winner: Naomichi Marufuji 200px-Marufuji2.jpg

    All of D/X are back stage looking at the monitor the tell x-pac he has his hands full next week but don’t worry they have his back,

    What will happen next week at our 1st live TV event the tag title will be decided with Dream Team taking on Koloff and Volkoff the international title will be decided between Xpac and Marufuji and much much more.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,296 ✭✭✭✭gimmick

    The evaluation thread is open, so no need for two of them

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