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Posting photos

  • 14-02-2010 1:04pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,857 ✭✭✭

    This is a stupid simple task but I just can't figure out how to do it!

    How do I get my photos to appear in my posts instead of just a link?
    I've tried using the "insert image" button but all its putting up is a little square with a cross in it.

    I have stuff on Flickr,Jetphotos,Irishairpics that I'd like to post and even copying and pasting link doesn't seem to work (obviously I'm doing something wrong, just can't figure out what!

    Any help much appreciated.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,250 ✭✭✭pixbyjohn

    Here is one way to do it. Go to your photo on Flickr >all sizes>pick 500x375 size and below photo you will see link as below>

    Now when you reply in Boards copy and paste this link in reply to thread box,
    When its pasted in then add the following text before and after the link
    then your link

    then submit reply and hey presto your photo will show in post

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,857 ✭✭✭Andrew33

    pixbyjohn wrote: »
    Here is one way to do it. Go to your photo on Flickr >all sizes>pick 500x375 size and below photo you will see link as below>

    Now when you reply in Boards copy and paste this link in reply to thread box,
    When its pasted in then add the following text before and after the link
    then your link

    then submit reply and hey presto your photo will show in post

    Thx John, I've tried that but all thats showing is the link.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭nilhg

    I did a post for the FAQ, should clear up your questions.
