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Alex Jones Show

  • 10-02-2010 12:55pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 708 ✭✭✭

    Anyone listen? New to looking into conspiracy and I was told he was the man to listen to. He comes across as farily articulate but I get the sense he's not all there.

    Thoughts on him? Also what other podcasts would be worth looking out for?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭digme

    It's a fine way to waste your time.
    Your better off looking at things like how the imf and the world bank works,what's going on in your own country,how banks own governments.This alex jones will just cause you to waste your time and energy on silly things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    The only thing i can thank alex jones for is the obama deception,because that was the first one i watched that made me realise theres something fooked up going on here.
    After that i moved onto Zeitgeist and kymatica type stuff and finally onto lectures and books on those topics.

    Id recommend You Google video, The Obama Deception,Zeitgeist,Kymatica and John Harris in that order to get you started :)

    Theres also some nice sticky thread in this forum with probably alot of links to some interesting stuff.

    One thing to try and remember is that facts can easily be changed to sound true or false.
    And that lecturers often use a sneaky tactic related to nlp to convince you of their theories.
    One way i see lecturers doing it is asking rhetorical questions.
    For example:
    "...might find we ask ourselves did jesus invent nike pumps?if he did would he have sold many of them to alot of people?(slight pause)..YES."
    Obviously the topic was fictional but when they blur the two together the audience is distracted and accepts the first negative as positive etc.
    Just thought i should share that for people watching lectures over an hour long :) zzzz lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    zimovain wrote: »
    Anyone listen? New to looking into conspiracy and I was told he was the man to listen to. He comes across as farily articulate but I get the sense he's not all there.

    Thoughts on him? Also what other podcasts would be worth looking out for?

    Well He's good to listen to if you want the real hardcore stuff of what goes on in the gritty side to the stories that go on in the governments and control of the NWO. He's good at researching about bilderburgers, banking systems, all the bloodlines that rule America, the laws and all the updates of changes happening inside the system.

    But thats as far as it goes. He actually gives the NWO more power than it does by feeding it.

    I can't listen to him anymore, simply because his outburst are unbearable to listen too.

    The other aspect to him is a big ego. I respect him to the point of having good intentions but the ego just takes away a lot of what he does.

    So thats my two cents. I find your best bet, is to do your own research and mingle with many people as you can and discuss topics with your friends and family about the nature of reality. Challenge your own questioning and beliefs all the time, until you find common sense and discernment comes into your own mind.

    When you delve into these things, it's best not to blindly follow anyone in particular and just follow your own truth. As the quote I took somewhere, and I can't find the name of the guy. But his quote is, "you know more than you think you know, allow your self to know now" It was something like that. The reason why we doubt ourselves and feel skeptical about the unknown, is because we have been conditioned by society and education of what to believe and what's real. This drilling is what gives us the perception of reality that is fixed to what your accostumed too throughout your life. The nature of conspiracy theorists gets bad rep simply because its the part of the reality that is generally kept in the dark or left under the carpet. When many conspiracy theories are made aware people laugh them off, because it doesn't fit naturally into their belief system that they were brought up with. So my two cent's is to follow your own truth. Truth in dept fits to the majority of people who go right to the bottom of things. We all go different paths to find truth however, but truth is truth in the end.:)

    Hope this helps in some way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 494 ✭✭Truthrevolution

    Although Alex Jones is very high profile and has done some considerable damage to the establishment hes really only small potatoes within the entire truth movement.Beware of false truthseekers and disinfo agents like Glenn Beck who pretent to be NWO champions but are really just trying to trivialise the issue.
    Il give you the name of two very important men whom we could all learn a lot from.Google their names, watch their videos on youtube and read their books, i promise you wont be disappointed....

    Edward G. Griffen- This man has been exposing government conspiracies for the last 40 years.He left the army in the early sixties appalled at the way the US war machine was advancing and start devoting his time fighting for peoples rights and freedoms.He was one of the first to start exposing the Federal reserve fraud and other US deceptions.

    Aaron Russo- Although deceased nearly 3 years now this man has left a legacy of revelations behind him.The guys a legend a self-made millionaire from Brooklyn, he started off in the niteclub business before moving into the music industry and eventually making it big in hollywood as a movie producer.His success attracted the attention of the Rockerfeller family whom befriended him till he discovered their real agenda and turned his back on their freindship to start exposing their evil plans to anyone who would listen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    Hello Zimmo, welcome to the madhouse, I wish you well on your journey, there's a lot of good info mixed with bad, it's designed to confuse you from getting to the bottom of things, Alex Jone's does come across as a bit of a nut, but what he says is almost alway's true, I don't trust his "friendship" with freemason ron paul, the deeper you look the stranger it get's and you can often find yourself being misled one way or the other.

    Prof Anthony C Sutton was a good honest man who uncovered some strange facts concerning the cold war illusion, and when you take on board what he says you begin to see the picture of how things work, pretend enemies etc.

    Here's a link I passed to somebody recently that I found in the link section here, copy coz I'm lazy, have a look through some of the video's, I can't verify them all not to be disinfo, but use common sense and double or quadruple check whatever you might come across that tickles your fancy.

    Here's a link posted in the links section, some good stuff there to mess up your view of the world.

    Best Wishes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,578 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Alex has his heart in the right place and makes a lot of noise and has woken a lot of people up over the years.
    I think as time has gone on he's started to open his mind to a greater amount of what counts as conspiracy research, ie, he's now very pally with David Icke where previously he wasn't very complimentary.
    The one problem I have with him is his christian viewpoint. Everything ends up being boiled down to being "lucifarian" or "anti christian". As someone who has no time for religion I feel he's holding himself back from getting where he should be, but that's just my opinion.

    Glazers Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,953 ✭✭✭✭kryogen

    I would recommend Carl Jung to anyone who really wants to look into an interesting character, Alex Jones is very one dimensional and he has as many critics as he has supporters, among CT'ers

    the best thing to do is actually go research everything you can for yourself

    get more then one source, make sure they are unbiased as possible and draw your own conclusions always, dont let anyone, and i mean anyone shape your opinion except you

    oh and if you gonna post here regularly, remember, its just an internet message board! dont get over stressed

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭derry

    Within certian limits Alex Jones is excellent
    The first limit is he a Texan first and USA second so he does cater for that audience big time as they pay the bills

    I recon as time went along he found that to wake the brain dead USA he had to be OTT and so that explains a lot of his antics .

    He does know some of the Europe story but ultimatly he is USA story first and foremost as he needs to rally those troops closer to home

    So You need to branch out a lot more and look what even here in Ireland
    There are people that listened AlexJones from the 1998 era here and they listened also cooper who I figure was better than Alex Jones in his time untill the FBI in 2002 filled his house full of lead for no good reason and he became more full of holes than swiss cheeese .

    ALex jones in his early days was very much whacko and did do a show on new years eve where he figured the russian had attacked and had some people shooting at the local water towers which they mistook as russian aircraft.Seems in twenty plus years living in the town never noticed the water tower
    Anyway in that year 2000 alex Jones was young maybe too much beeer as it was new years eve and there was the famous Y2K stuff so I dont read too much into it having listened the show and Cooper versions

    So very quickly it is too easy to spend to much time on state side stuff says me a listener every day one year now but I use the Pods cast and run the show at twice normal speed and skip a lot when it is local gun stuff not relevant to us so I get t 4 hour show done in ~1.5 hours average

    I also use the GCNLIVE network a lot for other shows like what really happened .He is sorta good although I am a christian and prefer Alex Joes he is a an athiest and has some good stuff to say
    Also good is the power hour and crisis radio and a few others

    Then there is exelent info from germany and France real anti NWO places
    trouble its not in english and the translators can struggle to give good translations
    There is some fairly OK british sites

    I reccomed though start with this Irish site

    They got maybe 600 people in the sytem and the main radio guy who does the show on Sunday know all the great sources from Alex Jones to Cooper to whatever
    Thats where I hang a lot of the time these last few months

    Conspirasy central Ireland


  • Registered Users Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭briany

    Alex Jones certainly comes across as angry about things. Sometimes it seems with him that everything is a conspiracy. It would be nice if he talked a little bit more about things he liked/trusted, if anything, just to give his show a little bit of perspective. Also when he gets impassioned about something and is bellowing as the show fades to an ad break and then he's pushing something of his for money. It makes me feel a bit uneasy. I understand that he must pay the bills but it just undermines it for me.

    On his show last night I heard that Google and the CIA are putting money into a company that monitors web trends and can "Predict the future". That's interesting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    zimovain wrote: »
    He comes across as farily articulate but I get the sense he's not all there.

    The reason he is not all there is because he grew up drinking flouride water and when he was in school he was forced to take fluoride tablet things to dumb him down , the government has him dumbed down , they have been attacking through food , water and chemtrails all his life , poor man .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    espinolman wrote: »
    The reason he is not all there is because he grew up drinking flouride water and when he was in school he was forced to take fluoride tablet things to dumb him down , the government has him dumbed down , they have been attacking through food , water and chemtrails all his life , poor man .
    Why isn't everyone else as crazy as him then?

    Personally, I think the man is a tool. He offers nothing new, just hijacks information obtained by others and pawns it off as his own. He's made enemies of countless friends this way. He's shown himself to be untrustworthy, so it's best to ignore him and get your info from people not trying to push an agenda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    I treat his site like a tabloid for CT's.Some info is related to truth but i dont trust it that much.
    Im still thinking he is the cia's apposing side to the government to keep tabs on the public oppinion.
    He may say negative things about alot of things but i suspect maybe they pick and choose the right negatives that they wish or know will be talked about anyway.He seems to cut people off aswell especially when they have something im interested in hearing!
    Maybe im way off he could be legit.Im just wary of all sources of info, take everything and i mean everything with a pinch of salt and you cant go too far wrong in life i think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭irishconvert

    Torakx wrote: »
    The only thing i can thank alex jones for is the obama deception

    Fall of the Republic is better than the Obama Deception. It's basically part 2 of the Obama Deception.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    humanji wrote: »
    Why isn't everyone else as crazy as him then?

    Not crazy , vocal , why isn't everyone else as vocal as him ? Most of the rest just sit down and shut up and that is the wrong thing to do .

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Well you said before the reason he wasn't all there is because of being drugged. So, which is it? Is he vocal or crazy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,976 ✭✭✭profitius

    Check out 'coast to coast am' on youtube.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    humanji wrote: »
    So, which is it? Is he vocal or crazy?

    Alternatively he's loud and nuts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭briany

    If Alex Jones is as angry as he says he is, he must walk around in a constant state of near rage. He would never get any sleep and be constantly dreaming up ways to take down the corporatocrat NWO. So as a counterbalance, maybe he is exceedingly mellow off air?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,584 ✭✭✭digme

    Max Keiser had alex jones on his show a few weeks ago :).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,324 ✭✭✭RGDATA!

    I have listened to a fair bit of Alex Jones lately.

    One thing that I find infuriating about him is how little he allows his guests/callers to speak before interjecting and going off one one. What's funny though is how most of his guests are wise to this and consequently just agree with everything he says to try to win the mic back for a few seconds.

    Typical scenario - guest starts to speak about a subject. 10 seconds in, Jones interrupts, goes on an often only vaguely related rant. Once he pauses for breath, guest agrees "yes, exactly" and tries to continue with original point. I guess you don't go on there without knowing how he operates and adjust accordingly. He has a particular point of view and doesn't seem willing or interested in considering anything outside of that, even from people on his side of the spectrum.

    I do admire his memory for detail, he seems to have pretty good recall for stories and names. However, he does way to much "we already KNOW that blah blah" or "they already ADMIT that blah blah" - intimating something is nailed on fact but giving no reference for this.

    just some observations, i realise most people here don't seem to pay him too much heed anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭irishconvert

    RGDATA! wrote: »
    I have listened to a fair bit of Alex Jones lately.

    One thing that I find infuriating about him is how little he allows his guests/callers to speak before interjecting and going off one one. What's funny though is how most of his guests are wise to this and consequently just agree with everything he says to try to win the mic back for a few seconds.

    Typical scenario - guest starts to speak about a subject. 10 seconds in, Jones interrupts, goes on an often only vaguely related rant. Once he pauses for breath, guest agrees "yes, exactly" and tries to continue with original point. I guess you don't go on there without knowing how he operates and adjust accordingly. He has a particular point of view and doesn't seem willing or interested in considering anything outside of that, even from people on his side of the spectrum.
    I agree 100%. He knows he does this and has said before he tried to control himself!
    RGDATA! wrote: »
    I do admire his memory for detail, he seems to have pretty good recall for stories and names. However, he does way to much "we already KNOW that blah blah" or "they already ADMIT that blah blah" - intimating something is nailed on fact but giving no reference for this.
    He says this when it is something he has covered before on his show and has already provided sources and facts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32 mattblacktiger

    Here's a guy we love listening to on the job site.
    He reads a lot and comes up with some bizarro theories
    way cool

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭briany

    Having listened to Alex Jones regularly for the last few days, I can say that while he may have some vital info, he's so angry about it all that he comes off as a fringe crank so it makes him a lot less accessible. He does come out with some unintentionally hilarious stuff though. He had a fellow radio presenter Mancow on the other day and Mancow was bemoaning the apathy of today's youth as regards to chasing girls as he saw it and saying that he felt it was because of the chemicals the government was adding to the water and all the Xbox. Alex Jones concoured :

    "You know that's true. From the moment I turned twelve I would see women and I would literally start salivating like a wolf! By thirteen I was very successful"

    Somebody talking about the fakeness of Obama (I think it was Mancow again) and while they're going on about that, Jones is doing his impersonation of the hypnotised masses (in the style of a sheep)

    Maybe Jones could have been the next Hicks if he didn't take everything so seriously all the time.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭joe12345

    I listen to him the odd time. I feel his heart is in the right place , but it
    doesn't help him when he rants. I think a lot of that is cause he is just
    a brash texan and that is his personality. In saying that I found that
    after listening he'd scare the crap out of you and it normally left me on
    a downer. IMP it's important to keep a positive attitude if your going
    to achieve anything ....

    Personally I subscribe to coast to coast am, which covers a lot of
    subjects, has a host that is very likable (George Noory), and has a lot
    of knowledgable guests on. I have been listening now for about 1 year
    and have learned a tremendous amount from that radio program. It's
    cheap enough to subscribe and then you can download all the shows
    for free. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,636 ✭✭✭✭briany

    joe12345 wrote: »
    I listen to him the odd time. I feel his heart is in the right place , but it
    doesn't help him when he rants. I think a lot of that is cause he is just
    a brash texan and that is his personality. In saying that I found that
    after listening he'd scare the crap out of you and it normally left me on
    a downer. IMP it's important to keep a positive attitude if your going
    to achieve anything ....

    Personally I subscribe to coast to coast am, which covers a lot of
    subjects, has a host that is very likable (George Noory), and has a lot
    of knowledgable guests on. I have been listening now for about 1 year
    and have learned a tremendous amount from that radio program. It's
    cheap enough to subscribe and then you can download all the shows
    for free. :)

    I sometimes like to listen to the best of Coast to Coast on Shoutcast and I agree with the more likeable host(s)(Noory and also Art Bell) though they'd have a right to get a nark on with the amount of crackpots that show gets calling in.

    Host : We have a caller on the international line. Hello sir, where are you calling from?

    Caller : Nebraska

    Host : Nebraska? How'd you get on the international line from Nebraska?

    Caller : On a cellphone.

    On the "Antichrist line" a man calls in claiming he is the Antichrist because when he's out buying smokes or whatever, people look at him funny.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 708 ✭✭✭zimovain

    digme wrote: »
    Max Keiser had alex jones on his show a few weeks ago :).

    Max is comical! Love how the camera cuts to him as he pulls a funny facial expression!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭markomongo

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